Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age
Alfabetización Científica: Herramienta Indispensable en la Era Digital
Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age
Alfabetización Científica: Herramienta Indispensable en la Era Digital
When reflecting on the term literacy, individuals immediately imagine a subject without
minimum literacy skills. This article was conceived to study the importance of generating
knowledge in the 21st century. It arose from the antagonism that experts should only publish
scientific publications. For the study's undertaking, a multidisciplinary approach was
maintained, where different perspectives were incorporated and conceptions about Social
Sciences, psychology, citizen, social and pedagogical participation. Qualitative research of
the phenomenological-hermeneutic method was carried out. Ten (10) social actors of the
International Workshop of Writing Scientific Articles were interviewed to structure, codify,
and categorize the results. This epistemic journey allowed a theoretical approach focused
on the literacy of social actors to generate knowledge through meaningful science
education. Based on the social actors' voice, it was established the tearing of each editorial's
bureaucratic chains because the experience is more accessible in the digital era. However,
illiteracy has spread rapidly, incited by the old school groups, creating confusion in the
events, and expanding their hegemony. Therefore, scientific literacy (SLC) is not only
focused on the common factor of scientific activity of how, but also the strengthening of
science through Higher Education Institutions, research groups, organizations, and
educational enterprises.
Keywords: Legislation, constitution, law, violation of human rights, justice.
Al reflexionar sobre el término alfabetización, los individuos de inmediato se imaginan a un
sujeto sin competencias mínimas de lectoescritura. El presente artículo se concibió con el fin de
llevar a cabo un estudio sobre la importancia de generar conocimiento en el siglo XXI. El cual,
surgió del antagonismo, de que las publicaciones científicas solo deben ser publicadas por
expertos. Para el emprendimiento del estudio, se sostuvo una aproximación multidisciplinar,
donde se incorporaron diferentes perspectivas, así como, concepciones sobre las Ciencia
Sociales, psicología, participación ciudadana, social y pedagógica. Se realizó una investigación
cualitativa de enfoque fenomenológico-hermenéutico, donde se entrevistaron a diez (10) actores
sociales del Taller Internacional de Redacción de Artículos Científicos, para luego estructurar,
codificar hasta categorizar los resultados. Este recorrido epistémico permitió un acercamiento
teórico, centrado en la alfabetización de los actores sociales, en calidad de, generar conocimiento
a través de educación científica significativa. Partiendo de la voz de los actores sociales, se
estableció el desgarramiento de las cadenas burocráticas de cada editorial, debido a que el
conocimiento es más accesible en la era digital. No obstante, el analfabetismo se ha propagado
vertiginosamente, incitada por los grupos de la vieja escuela, creando confusión en el qué de los
sucesos, para expandir su hegemonía. Por ende, alfabetización científica (AC) no solo está
centrada en el factor común de la actividad científica del cómo, sino también en el
fortalecimiento de la ciencia a través de las Instituciones de Educación Superior, grupos de
investigación, organizaciones y empresas educativas.
Palabras clave: Siglo XXI, educación, científico, herramienta, alfabetización.
¹Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A
¹Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A
Mujica-Sequera, R. (2021). Scientific
Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital
Age. Technological Educational Journal
Docentes 2.0, 11(1), 19-26.
R. Mujica-Sequera, "Scientific Literacy:
Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age",
RTED, vol. 11, n.° 1, pp. 19-26, abr. 2021.
Ruth M. Mujica-Sequera¹
Ruth M. Mujica-Sequera¹
Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the
Digital Age
Mujica-Sequera, R. (2021). Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age. Technological Educational Journal Docentes 2.0, 11(1),
Since the twentieth century, experts in the
scientific field have been asking educational
institutions for a more meaningful scientific
literacy, which would allow students to justify
the daily events present today. However, when
reflecting on the term literacy, individuals
immediately imagine a subject without minimal
literacy skills, in other words, without verbal
skills in the mother tongue or foreign languages.
For the reasons stated above, the bases of
scientific literacy (SFL) supported by the
authors McConney, Oliver, Woods- McConney,
Schibeci & Maor (2014) are consolidated
because it remains prevailing and with new
challenges in the digital era, which must be
complied under a formative competence of the
current city.
Therefore, the present article arises from
the antagonism that experts should only publish
scientific publications; in other words,
paradoxically, the one who masters scientific
writing skills is the one who can generate
knowledge. In this sense, a multidisciplinary
approach was held, where different perspectives
are incorporated, as well as conceptions of social
science, psychology, citizen participation,
social, as well as pedagogical, resulting pertinent
to raise a proposal where educational institutions
promote the acquisition of scientific skills linked
to evaluation and preservation of references in
the digital era, as Olmedo-Estrada (2011) points
out that it is increasingly evident that the (CA)
"is indispensable for the citizen of the XXI
century" (p.145).
CA as a curricular competence is
committed to the advancement of literacy,
acquisition of knowledge, mastery of a complex
language, scientific epistemology capable of
understanding the limits (Aguilar, 1999) to
strengthen social and economic progress (Hurd,
1998), the efficient perception of scientific
nature (Abd-el-Khalick, Bell & Lederman,
1998), active participation responsibly on the
problems of the world (Martín-Díaz, 2001),
likewise, the curricular transformation of the
educational institutions that orient the scientific
teaching towards social and personal aspects of
the student (Furió, Vilches, Guisasola & Romo,
The purpose of this research stems from the
need to promote scientific literacy from Higher
Education Institutions, research groups,
organizations, and educational companies
because, according to Sternberg & Lubart
(1997), creativity and innovation are
underestimated by the community and
institutions that exist within society. Seen as
follows, it is unavoidable to reflect on what
Laugksch (2000) stated that scientific knowledge
is used to participate in decision-making about
the world. From this, the following questions can
be raised: Who can generate scientific
knowledge? How can scientific literacy be
promoted? What are the contributions of CA in
the construction of knowledge in the 21st
century? How does CA contribute to quality
scientific production?
For the study of the different authors and
experts in scientific writings, the present
research was based on the qualitative paradigm,
under the phenomenological approach that
allowed the author to follow the hermeneutic
paths through her events in the understanding of
the investigated subject. According to the author
Husserl (1998), the phenomenological research
approach aims to reveal the nature of the
objects, attributes, and authenticity of the
phenomena from the lived experience.
In this regard, the authors Aguirre &
Jaramillo (2012) argue that phenomenology is a
philosophical method emphasizing phenomena
(Heidegger, 2006). In other words, in a sense,
meaning and subjectivity formation the world
(Bolio, 2012), exhibits in every human
experience moment (Rizo-Patrón, 2015).
Therefore, it became necessary to understand
the author's voices as a combined dynamic, an
organized and systemic totality, employed
under the qualitative-structural methodology as
pointed out by Martínez (1996). Considering
that, phenomenology and teaching are
constituted from the transference of culture with
the world, from the experience of understanding
and talking about reality (San Martín, 1986, p.
Hermeneutics offered congruences to
establish expertise that admits the
Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the
Digital Age
Mujica-Sequera, R. (2021). Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age. Technological Educational Journal Docentes 2.0, 11(1),
organizational context approach, to understand
the authors' actions in it. This research had a
context of development in the technological-
educational platform Docentes 2.0, which
assembles favorable approach conditions for the
study. New concepts were established from the
social interaction and active collaboration
utilizing the in-depth interview technique,
directed to ten (10) social actors belonging to
the International Workshop on Writing
Scientific Articles for Indexed Journals. The
interpretation process was carried out by
structuring, coding, and categorizing the
In the present research, the author did not
aim to verify a hypothesis but to reveal the
underlying from the voice of the social authors;
the exegesis derived in this study sought to
understand, structure, systematize and codify
the testimonies based on the emerging
categories identified for each unit of meanings.
For these purposes, the following meaning units
emerged: (1) scientific writing, (2) curriculum,
(3) research methodology, and (4) informational
culture. From these emerged the emergent
subcategories: Lexical competencies,
communication, expertise, professional
preparation, meaningful knowledge, writing
strategies, research results, methods, scientific
knowledge, content creation, writing skill,
didactic resources, for a total of twelve (12)
emergent categories.
This methodology fulfilled the purpose of
the research in terms of knowing how the
authors of scientific production think and act
from their writing practices, constituted based
on shared critical reflection, to be considered the
object of scientific transformation, through the
pragmatism of the scientific lexicon that implies
the resolution of practical problems of scientific
writing, among them: articles, theses, essays and
reflective documents of dynamic rationality,
from the individual subjectivities of the author
by the knowledge society, which, leads to value
the empirical knowledge that authors build for
the advancement of science.
The hermeneutic report was designed
from a double approach, the scientific-academic
approach on the units of meanings and emerging
categories arising from the interaction with the
social actors, which allowed to reveal some
substantial findings on the object of study.
Table 1
Relationship of the Unit of Meanings and
Emerging Categories
Units of
Dark Blue
Grass green
Light purple
Dark red
Light gray
n Culture
Writing Skills
Olive green
Light Blue
Note. The systematic approach of the categorical
relationships allowed for interpretation from the voice of
the actors under study, own elaboration (2020).
This research made it possible to evaluate
the importance of generating knowledge in the
21st century. Consequently, it was determined
that it is positive to teach literacy for the
construction of quality scientific content, now of
carrying out changes according to the reality and
strategies of scientific writing in the population
under study. From this orderly approach, the
following interpretation was provided:
From the above conceptual
structure "Lexical Competences", it can be
deduced that it implies integrating, conserving,
and preserving the significant intellectual
production. The author Alfonso-Sánchez (2001)
sustains that "the manuscripts and each of their
editions reveal the numerous corrections that the
works undergo before going, definitively, to the
printing press" (p.1).
Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the
Digital Age
Mujica-Sequera, R. (2021). Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age. Technological Educational Journal Docentes 2.0, 11(1),
Table 2
Category: Scientific Writing
Matrix I: Analysis and Interpretation of Results
Unit of
Author's Interpretation
When interpreting the feelings
expressed by all the social
actors, according to what was
found in their discourses on
Lexical Competences, it was
possible to understand that there
is consensus in affirming,
according to what was stated by
A1, A3, A5, A7, A9 and A10,
that the generation of scientific
knowledge requires literacy to
enrich their experience when
writing with quality, because
this affects to a greater or lesser
degree in the formation of
quality content in the digital era.
On the other hand, it was
possible to affirm that behind
any daily educational practice
there is always an answer to
"why" and "what for" it is
taught. In academia, most
teachers, researchers, and
facilitators do not have
experience in writing scientific
articles, in other words, they do
not have lexical competence in
scientific writing. Therefore, the
world itself becomes a
propitious setting for redefining
the pedagogical experience by
developing the ability to
observe, reflect, devise
strategies, and solve practical
problems. In short, thinking
about experience creates the
conditions necessary to improve
the scientific field.
Note. Lexical competence is the knowledge and ability to use
the vocabulary of a language, own elaboration (2020).
Therefore, educational institutions,
organizations and companies dedicated to the
generation of quality content should not forget
the importance of the research process,
originality, methodology, as well as adequate
structure, so that their publication and
dissemination comply with the three essential
principles: rigor, transparency, as well as brevity.
Table 3
Category: Curriculum
Matrix II: Analysis and Interpretation of Results
Unit of
Author's Interpretation
In their discourse A1, A2, A3,
A4 and A8, it can be perceived
that writing is important for
authors when developing their
scientific writings. Education
is the one who empowers man
in this search, reinforces the
scheme or order of action on
which he must base, improve,
and improve himself. At
present, there is an increase in
literature on the approach of
how to improve scientific
writing, based on motivation,
own experience of writing,
exchange of opinions or
experiences with other
experts. The society of the 21st
century demands a permanent
renewal of the universities,
since the scientific and
technological scope demands
clarity, precision, brevity, as
well as how, when and for
what purpose to write. This
involves a linguistic action
that inserts the social place,
addressee, enunciator, and
purpose. It is important to
know the levels of scientific
communication, although
differences converge, in the
same way as cultural
experiences; for this reason,
knowing the communicative
competences, textual
competence, international
standards and policies will
help the transformation of
significant quality scientific
knowledge. However, this
implies a reorganization to
improve the above, where a
different way of creating
science is contributed to its
community, in whose center is
the appropriation process of
the student-author. In
summary, scientific writing is
a skill that is achieved and
perfected if language
proficiency, focus, revision,
precision, clarity, brevity, and
formality are associated.
Note. Scientific writing strategies provide a degree of
precision and clarity of the manuscript, own elaboration
From the conceptual constitution "Writing
Strategies", it was evidenced the existence of a
series of difficulties faced by authors when
writing a scientific article, among them:
information density, syntactic complexity,
distribution of information (Jerz, 2000),
discursive genre, strategies (Remerger, 2000),
logic, inconsistencies related to the discipline or
audience, plagiarism, grammatical weaknesses,
Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the
Digital Age
Mujica-Sequera, R. (2021). Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age. Technological Educational Journal Docentes 2.0, 11(1),
vocabulary (Feldman, Anderson & Mangurian,
2001) and writing the introduction, frame of
reference (Lerner & Ogren-Balkama, 2007).
Therefore, prior knowledge is necessary in
writing to adequately express the information.
Table 4
Category: Information Culture
Matrix III: Analysis and Interpretation of Results
Unit of
Author's Interpretation
The author interpreted what was
stated by A1, A2, A3, A4, A6,
A8, A9 and A10; the desire to
obtain competences, strategies,
and meaningful continuing
education on how to write
scientific articles. In the first
place, the actors wish to be
taught as a transformative
component to understand,
interpret, argue, propose, and
generate knowledge in the
corresponding area of
knowledge. Secondly, they seek
skills to know the stages
(prewriting, writing, and
rewriting), text production
(creativity and reworking),
academic skills (data
interpretation, linking
information and synthesizing
skills) and cognitive skills
(planning, rereading, revising,
selection and form). Finally,
strategies to improve writing in
terms of grammatical structures
(syntactic, semantic, pragmatic,
stylistic, schematic, and mutual
connection). Thus, the
construction of a text involves
stages to optimize the
communication discourse. The
practice of literacy is linked to
the academic environment,
which involves reading, taking
notes, and rereading to produce
writings with reliable rhetorical
discourse. In summary, the
ability to write implies a close
link between the organization of
ideas and the statement of
information, so that each letter,
word, phrase, or sentence is
spliced to build a thematic
coherence to be disclosed.
Note. The writing skill involves an arduous process, which is
determined by the person's writing skills, own elaboration
In this conceptual structure, unit of
meanings "Information Culture" was considered
necessary a scientific literacy that strengthens
writing skills in a meaningful way. An education
based on the construction of scientific documents
with reasoning skills, which characterize the
cognitive approach. According to the author
(Gonzalez, 1993) "mechanical type skills,
orthographic type skills, production skills,
linguistic skills and organizational skills" (p.39).
These skills are legible handwriting, proper
writing, spelling, ideas, linguistic components,
logical, sequential, and organizational coherence.
Figure 1
Categories of análisis
Note. Integration of the eight (4) units of meanings
generated by the semantic network of the nineteen (12)
emerging categories, own elaboration (2020).
Thus, we can end with an illustration
Figure 1, which corresponds to the integration of
the table (4) units of meanings that generated the
semantic network of the twelve (12) emerging
categories, corresponding to the discourse of the
interviews conducted on the importance of
generating knowledge in the XXI century.
Even when scientific articles are published
at present, many of them are rejected for not
presenting quality writing, therefore this has
become a key factor for the dissemination of
scientific knowledge, which, according to the
author Furio et al. (2000), is a long process of
direct collaboration between teachers and experts
in science didactics. Paradoxically, most of the
research related to scientific production is carried
out by university students, with a marked
weakness in the lexicon; this approach has not
been sufficiently investigated in terms of the role
that educational institutions, organizations, and
companies should play in strengthening the
writing of original scientific articles and their
link with the origin to propose possible solutions.
What the authors suggest could be derived
on the one hand from the bureaucratic chains of
Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the
Digital Age
Mujica-Sequera, R. (2021). Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age. Technological Educational Journal Docentes 2.0, 11(1),
each publishing house to the knowledge that is
more accessible or by the vertiginous
propagation of illiteracy incited by the
anachronistic groups of the old school, those who
have created confusion in what of the events, to
expand their hegemony. Since the great majority
of Spanish-speaking countries, the art of writing
scientific articles is considered part of the subject
of research methodology, although it is not
approached as an autonomous unit where the
differences between writing an article and a
thesis are shown. The author Cassany (1993)
points out that "there are no magic concoctions
or even instant recipes for writing" (p. 237),
which shows that writing involves the author's
attitude and work style.
In the findings, the interpretation,
comprehension, and construction of new
conceptual links are evidenced. According to
Moya (2003) "there are several techniques to
activate prior knowledge, such as anticipation
activities, anticipation guides, semantic maps,
discussion, etc." (p. 34). (p. 34), for this reason it
is essential to teach literacy to achieve quality
knowledge production. Another result that calls
for attention in this study is the writing skill,
where greater difficulty was evidenced in
expressing intricate ideas in a simple way,
demonstrating in the second review that the
social authors were able to determine their own
weaknesses, in terms of: lexical competences,
communication, experience, professional
preparation, significant knowledge, writing
strategies, research results, methods, scientific
knowledge, content creation, writing skills and
didactic resources.
It is pertinent to emphasize that the
present research is timely and novel because it is
oriented towards determining the main causes of
writing scientific articles by a group of authors.
At present, several researches have been carried
out regarding the relevance in scientific
production, but these have been presented as a
general and not specific study on the difficulties
of writing that oppose the increase of quality.
Faced with the ways of accessing an
informational culture, the associations of the
cultural sector should reflect on what their role
will be to establish a more cultured, engaged, and
interactive digital society (Celaya, 2011).
One of the restrictions of this publication
is subject to the period of data collection, which
was extended from April to August 2020, due to
the problems caused by the global pandemic, so
that the articles received late were not observed.
For the correct interpretation of the results, a
significant inclination is sustained; the
difficulties encountered are restricted by the units
of meanings to be assessed in the instrument
applied, in the same way that the review time was
not the same for all social actors.
To Dr. Rafaela Solís-Muñoz, PhD,
facilitator of the Postdoctoral Program in
Science, Dr. Nora Panza de Ferrer, PhD, tutor of
this valuable undertaking and Universidad
Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores
(UNICEPES) for this great initiative in scientific
The research carried out allows us to
deduce that every scientific literacy proposal
proposes an explicit statement of its purposes
because these are a necessary condition to
provide meaning to the scientific writing process.
These purposes are born from the curriculum
theory and from the beliefs that sustain the
subject. In addition, the principles, values, and
norms are placed before them to provide the
institution with its own style "as a dynamic of a
personal development that each subject makes by
his own means, each one forms himself with the
help of mediations that only make formation
possible" (Ferry, 1997, p.13). Therefore,
scientific literacy (SLA) is not only focused on
the common factor of the scientific activity of
how, but also on scientific empowerment through
Higher Education Institutions, groups,
organizations, and educational enterprises.
The purpose of educating in scientific
writing is urgent, it is necessary to appropriate a
neat lexicon that transcends editorially through
clear, authentic, and original arguments, which
captivate not only to be read, but also to
encourage those who still do not write, to nurture
aspects to strengthen the writing. As the author
Foucault (1970) points out, "scientific discourse
can define the axioms it needs, the elements it
Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the
Digital Age
Mujica-Sequera, R. (2021). Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age. Technological Educational Journal Docentes 2.0, 11(1),
uses, the propositional structures that are
legitimate for it and the transformations it
accepts" (p. 314). Therefore, a proposed
education for literacy admits contributing to an
education for citizenship, since any reform
includes as a central unit teachers and students
for scientific purposes, a debate that has almost
always been subtracted from it too many times.
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