La experiencia de la universidad san marcos en el uso del LMS en
aprendizaje presencial
The experience of the San Marcos University in the use of LMS in
face-to-face learning
Esquivel Barquero Marco
Como referente de educación virtual, la Universidad San Marcos ha logrado implementar
exitosamente el uso de la plataforma LMS
como recurso exponencial en la enseñanza de las
clases presenciales, evidenciando la mejora en las competencias tecno-pedagógicas de los
docentes. Paralelamente, ha eliminado la incertidumbre que genera la utilización de una
plataforma de aprendizaje virtual logrando reducir la tecnofobia en el estudiantado y fomentar
un acercamiento paulatino a los entornos virtuales. En la actualidad, mediante un registro de
uso de la plataforma de aprendizaje virtual, se categorizan los docentes por niveles. Desde el
primer nivel, que se carga algunos objetos de aprendizaje, hasta el nivel tres, en que se ha
construido o reutilizado un curso virtual con aplicación de técnicas didácticas para interactuar
en clase presencial, o bien, como apoyo al método “aula invertida”. Este uso de la plataforma
permite generar una cultura universitaria de enseñanza-aprendizaje integral de calidad en
vanguardia con metodologías y técnicas didácticas basadas en entornos virtuales, además de
contribuir a la meta de la universidad de llegar a ser una institución “cero papeles” mediante
la digitalización.
Palabras clave: Recursos TIC, recursos TAC, objetos de aprendizaje (OA), aula invertida,
plataforma de aprendizaje virtual.
Due to the fact that San Marcos University is a leader in technology-assisted education in
Costa Rica, it is important to extend the learning curve obtained in the virtual education into
the in-person one, in order to achieve a virtuous circle than enriches the teaching strategies.
Mainly, it has been promoted the usage of a methodology in which the instructor introduces
contents by using multimedia and audiovisual learning objects, allowing the achievement of
the learning objectives proposed efficiently and the academic quality assurance. San Marcos
University has successfully achieved the successful implementation of a LMS platform, as an
exponential resource in the teaching of face-to-face education, showing the improvement in
the techno-pedagogical competencies of instructors and, at the same time, getting rid of the
uncertainty that the use of a virtual platform generates, and reducing technophobia in the
students by increasing the approach to virtual environments. Currently the use of a virtual
platform in face-to-face course has allowed to keep record of the instructors that use it with a
specific purpose, under the identification of the three levels of the use of collaborative
resources. From the first level that is used to upload some learning objects, up to a third level
in which a virtual course has been created or reused in particular, with the application of
didactic techniques to interact in class or as a support to the flipped classroom methodology.
This usage of the platform allows the development of a university culture promoting
integrated learning-teaching, quality, and state-of-the-art didactic methodologies and
techniques based on virtual environments. Besides, it helps to achieve the goals of the
University to become a zero-paper institution, through digitalization.
Keywords: ICT resources, LKT resources, learning objects, flipped classroom, virtual
learning platform
Recibido: 31 enero 2019
Aceptado: 5 marzo 2019
Dirección autor:
Vicerrector de la Universidad San
E-mail / ORCID