The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading
Comprehension Skill in an Online Private Lesson Context
The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading
Comprehension Skill in an Online Private Lesson Context
In response to the increasing importance of effective online learning strategies, the
following study explored the contribution of inferential reading strategies to improving
reading comprehension skills within an online learning framework. The research was based
on the action research model, using a mixed approach that collects quantitative and
qualitative data from four students between 16 and 18 years old who received strategic
reading instruction during four sessions. By employing pre- and post-tests along with semi-
structured interviews, the study assessed both quantitative and qualitative aspects of
participants' understanding and perceptions. The results indicated a notable improvement in
inferential reading comprehension at both the group and individual levels, although with
some inconsistencies in performance on specific items. Participants understood learning
strategies, inference, and their application in comprehension tasks. Furthermore, the
participants' positive attitudes towards strategy instruction were evident, with many
expressing comfort, engagement, and motivation. They particularly emphasized the role of
lesson organization, reflection, and feedback in enhancing their comprehension skills. This
research underscores the effectiveness of integrating inferential reading strategies in online
learning environments, providing valuable insights into student perceptions and the impact
of strategy instruction on reading comprehension.
Palabras clave: Reading comprehension, strategical instruction, inference, online learning.
¹University of Concepción
²University of Concepción
Sanhueza-Oyarzún, L. & Quintanilla-
Espinoza, A. (2024). The Contribution of
Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve
the Reading Comprehension Skill in an
Online Private Lesson Context. Revista
Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0,
17(2), 159-169.
L. Sanhueza-Oyarzún y A. Quintanilla-
Espinoza, "The Contribution of Inferential
Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading
Comprehension Skill in an Online Private
Lesson Context", RTED, vol. 17, n.°2, pp.
159-169, nov. 2024.
Luis Antonio Sanhueza-Oyarzún¹ y Angie Quintanilla-Espinoza²
In response to the growing importance of effective online learning strategies, the following
study aimed to explore the contribution of inferential reading strategies to improving
reading comprehension skills within an online learning framework. Through an action
research approach, four students aged 16 to 18 received strategic reading instruction across
four sessions. By employing pre- and post-tests alongside semi-structured interviews, the
study assessed both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the participants' comprehension
and perceptions. Results indicated a notable improvement in inferential reading
comprehension at both group and individual levels, albeit with some inconsistencies in
performance across specific items. Participants demonstrated a robust understanding of
learning strategies, inference, and their application in comprehension tasks. Furthermore,
they emphasized the significance of lesson organization, reflection, and feedback in
facilitating their comprehension skills. Overall, participants exhibited positive attitudes
towards the strategic instruction, reporting feelings of comfort, engagement, and
motivation. This research underscores the effectiveness of integrating inferential reading
strategies into online learning environments, offering valuable insights into student
perceptions and the impact of strategic instruction on reading comprehension enhancement.
Keywords: Comprensión lectora, instrucción estratégica, inferencia, aprendizaje en línea.
desde 159-169
The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to
Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context.
Sanhueza-Oyarzún, L. & Quintanilla-Espinoza, A. (2024). The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context. Revista Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0, 17(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v17i2.509
In response to the increasing importance of
effective online learning strategies. Reading
comprehension is a skill in which learners develop a
series of mental processes from which the ultimate
purpose is constructing meaning. More specifically,
reading activates a mechanical process to generate a
visual representation of words, identify
representations at the phonological, orthographic,
and semantic levels, and connect words through
syntactic rules until reaching a more complex
process: inference generation (Bayat & Cetinkaya,
2020). In this sense, developing a proficient reading
comprehension level in English represents a
challenging endeavor, especially when learners face
texts that contain unfamiliar lexical repertoire,
narrow topic acquaintance, and limited or non-
existent use of reading strategies. In addition, when
reading, it is rare for texts to contain only literal
More specifically, a great deal of information
demands inference generation; thus, texts require
more analytical reading to integrate information from
inside and across the texts, which means, going
beyond word-by-word decoding and working
memory saturation (Gómez et al., 2013). All in all,
inferential reading conveys switching on a cognitive
process to activate readers` background knowledge,
identifying the structure of a specific text, and having
a clear view of the author's purpose and generation of
inference (Bayat & Cetinkaya, 2020). Under this
scope, readers adopt a more analytical, critical, and
perceptive way to comprehend information beyond
literal (Lee, 2013).
In this line, and considering the aim of this
study, the inferential reading strategies instructed
during the intervention process of this action research
are lexical inference (Nuttall, 2005), details search
(William & Mary School of Education, 2002), text
connecting (Hara & Tappe, 2016), relating text to
personal knowledge (Hara & Tappe, 2016), and
thinking aloud (Pacheco, 2019). It is in this context
that the concern for this study was found. The
cornerstone of the investigation of this research is the
limited self-awareness of using reading
comprehension strategies to tackle inferential
comprehension gaps within texts. Reading
comprehension problems were common when
learners faced multiple-choice texts, texts requiring
evidence to justify inferences given, and texts with
specific passages with idiomatic expressions.
Therefore, the following study aims to
explore the significant contribution of inferential
reading strategies to improving reading
comprehension skills in an online private lesson
context. The study's objectives are not just academic
exercises; but necessary steps towards enhancing
reading comprehension. We aim to identify the extent
to which the teaching of inferential reading strategies
can help students improve their reading
comprehension. We also seek to understand students´
perceptions of using reading strategies to improve
their inferential reading comprehension and having
received strategic instruction. Considering the
study's objectives and the identified concern
regarding the limited self-awareness of using reading
comprehension strategies, the central research
question guiding this investigation is: To what extent
can inferential reading strategy training help students
improve their reading comprehension in an online
private lesson context?
Due to the fundamentals of this study being a
concern found in a reading comprehension context,
this investigation follows the action research model.
Burns (2010) describes action research as a method
that sustains critical, self-reflective exploration of a
problematic situation commonly found in a learning-
teaching context in which the teacher-researcher is
immersed in. The primary goal of action research is
the improvement or innovation of teaching practices.
This study used a qualitative research
paradigm for its framework. A purposive sample of
four students (three females and one male) was used.
Palinkas et al. (2013) define a purposive sample as a
selection method that comes from experience in the
field of knowledge and becomes a subject of interest
for the researcher. The population selected is within
reach and highly acquainted with the study. It is
worth noting that the research population is a small-
scale sample because this was an online intervention.
Taft et al. (2019) emphasize that having smaller
courses for online instruction poses several benefits,
such as using hands-on methodologies that strictly
align with the constructivist learning model, allowing
a more individualized learning process and greater
interactions between students and teachers.
Sanhueza-Oyarzún, L. & Quintanilla-Espinoza, A. (2024). The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context. Revista Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0, 17(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v17i2.509
The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to
Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context.
Another benefit of a small-scale sampling in an
online lesson is that teaching presence, cognitive
presence, and social presence adopt a more
protagonist role and facilitate learning climate
settings, regulation of learning, and goal
achievements (Garrison et al., 2000). The action plan
for this study was framed starting with finding the
pedagogical concern in the researcher`s teaching
context. Next, the preliminary intervention started
with administering a reading comprehension pre-test.
Afterwards, four 90-minute sessions were
implemented. During the sessions, participants were
instructed on inference, inferential reading, and
inferential reading strategies following a reading
program scattered across the sessions.
The practice exercises presented during the
sessions contained strictly multiple-choice reading
activities, especially those for training for the PET
test, narrative texts that required justification of an
inference given, and narrative texts containing
figurative language. As introduced above, five
inferential reading strategies were instructed
throughout the interventions, with the support of an
extended variety of texts to have participants
practicing, applying, and reflecting upon the
strategies learned. After the participants completed
the four sessions, a post-test and a semi-structured
interview were administered. All sessions were
conducted through a virtual teaching platform
(Zoom) and with the support of multiple
technological resources to display data and exercises.
This study's unique aspects include using the
CALLA Model for instruction and online
intervention. The CALLA Model, as described by
Chamot & Robbins (2005), provided a scaffolding
process that acted as a supportive learning resource,
especially for this study, in which inferential reading
comprehension strategies were taught explicitly. The
four sessions were all designed under the same
instructional format: preparation, presentation,
practice, expansion, and evaluation, making the study
unique and relevant to the field of language education
and literacy.
As mentioned above, data collection
instruments for this action research included a pre-
test, a post-test, and a semi-structured interview. As
Pan & Sana (2021) describes, pre-testing is an
assessment instance whose goal is semantic
activation generation and prompts cue-related
knowledge with which targets are encoded. For this
action research, pre-testing was used to have a clear
picture of the level of skill that participants revealed
before starting with the interventions. In the same
line, post-testing supposes mechanisms for “retrieval
practice” of semantic knowledge that was activated
previously in the pre-testing (Pan & Sana, 2021, p.
11-12). Post-testing was used to evaluate the extent
of improvement participants achieved after receiving
strategic instruction. Both tests used in this study
shared the same number of items, points, and exercise
The comprehensive approach of this study is
highlighted using a semi-structured interview as a
data collection instrument. This interview was
administered after the participants received strategic
instruction across all four sessions. It was used to
gather qualitative information about participants`
perceptions of using inferential reading
comprehension strategies and strategic instruction.
As Mwita (2022) points out, the semi-structured
interview is a valuable tool for obtaining descriptive
information through interaction between the
interviewer and the interviewees. The semi-
structured format was chosen to provide more
flexibility to the questions, allowing for the
expansion of questions to gain additional information
or details on the subject.
The interview employed pre-established
categories and subcategories, creating a structured
framework delineating well-defined content areas
and specific subthemes. Every subtheme was
intended to provide information in concordance with
using strategies and receiving strategic instruction.
The pre-test and post-test scores were statistically
coded for data analysis using arithmetical measures,
mean, and standard deviation. Regarding the
interview, data analysis was conducted using
thematic analysis.
As stated before, the foundational approach
for this action research is qualitative, although
quantitative data was also gathered through the pre-
test and the post-test. As the pre-test and the post-test
were reading comprehension assessment instruments
with scored items, the results were analyzed by
contrasting performance metrics in both tests. The
resulting data from the comparative analysis of the
pre-test and the post-test was presented to establish
the extent to which Specific Objective 1 was met.
Qualitative data obtained from the semi-structured
Sanhueza-Oyarzún, L. & Quintanilla-Espinoza, A. (2024). The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context. Revista Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0, 17(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v17i2.509
The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to
Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context.
interview was carefully transcribed for further
analysis. Perceptions were taken from the sub-themes
in the thematic chart for a more descriptive view to
meet Specific Objective 2. Below, Table 1 shows the
reading performance results obtained from the pre-
test. The total score achievable was 60 points. Scores
in brackets represent the maximum scores achievable
per item. Table 1 also shows the achievement level
attained by all four participants in every item.
Table 1
Pre-test Results.
Achievement level
Participant 1:
Item I: 20 points (24)
Item II: 15 points (16)
Item III: 17 points (20)
Total: 52 points
Item I: 83,3%
Item II: 93,8%
Item III: 85,0%
Overall: 86,7%
Participant 2
Item I: 20 points (24)
Item II: 13 points (16)
Item III: 14 points (20)
Total: 47 points
Item I: 83,3%
Item II: 81,3%
Item III: 70,0%
Overall: 78,3%
Participant 3
Item I: 18 points (24)
Item II: 14 points (16)
Item III: 17 points (20)
Total: 49 points
Item I: 75,0%
Item II: 87,5%
Item III: 85,0%
Overall: 82,5%
Participant 4
Item I: 14 points (24)
Item II: 14 points (16)
Item III: 14 points (20)
Total: 42 points
Item I: 58,3%
Item II: 87,5%
Item III: 70,0%
Overall: 70,0%
190 (overall) / 240 (total)
Mean: 47,5 points
Standard deviation: 3,6
Group performance: 79,3%
Note. Participants’ scores and achievement level in the pre-test, own elaboration (2024).
As Table 1 illustrates, the group's achievement
level in all three items was 79 %, with a total of 190
points out of a maximum of 240. The individual
performance of each participant is noteworthy.
Participant 1 scored 83% in item I, 93% in item II,
and 85% in item III, with item II being the highest
score achieved. Participant 2 scored 83% in item I,
81% in item II, and 70% in item III, with item I being
the highest score achieved. Participant 3 scored 75%
in item I, 87% in item II, and 85% in item III, with
item II being the highest score achieved. Participant
4 scored 58 % in item I, 87% in item II, and 70% in
item III, with item II being the highest score achieved.
These individual achievements are a testament to
their dedication and hard work.
Thus, it can be seen from Table 1 that the most
descended item was item I, showing an average of
74,7% of achievement. The third item showed the
second lowest level of achievement, which yielded a
77,5% average. Item II showed the biggest
consistency in performance, showing 87,5% average.
This refers to the fact that three participants (1, 3, and
4) obtained the highest scores in item II. The mean
score was 47,5, from all the total scores of every
participant every participant's total scores. The
standard deviation was 3,6, calculated from the mean
value and the total scores of every participant.
Individual overall performance revealed that
participant 1 achieved 86,7% (52 points), participant
2 achieved 78,3% (47 points), participant 3 achieved
Sanhueza-Oyarzún, L. & Quintanilla-Espinoza, A. (2024). The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context. Revista Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0, 17(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v17i2.509
The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to
Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context.
82,5% (49 points), and participant 4 achieved 70%
(42 points).
Table 2 presents the reading performance
results from the post-test. Similar to the pre-test, the
performance is shown separately into items. The total
score achievable was 60 points, with the maximum
scores achievable per item shown in brackets. The
achievement level obtained by all four participants in
every item is also shown. Notably, the post-test
results show an improvement in the participants'
performance, which is a promising sign of their
Table 2
Post-test Results.
Achievement level
Participant 1:
Item I: 24 points (24)
Item II: 16 points (16)
Item III: 20 points (20)
Total: 60 points
Item I: 100%
Item II: 100%
Item III: 100%
Overall: 100%
Participant 2
Item I: 24 points (24)
Item II: 15 points (16)
Item III: 20 points (20)
Total: 59 points
Item I: 100%
Item II: 93,7%
Item III: 100%
Overall: 98,3%
Participant 3
Item I: 24 points (24)
Item II: 14 points (16)
Item III: 20 points (20)
Total: 58 points
Item I: 100%
Item II: 87,5%
Item III: 100%
Overall: 95,8%
Participant 4
Item I: 22 points (24)
Item II: 12 points (16)
Item III: 16 points (20)
Total: 50 points
Item I: 91,6%
Item II: 75,0%
Item III: 80,0%
Overall: 82,2%
227 (overall) / 240 (total)
Mean: 56,7 points
Standard deviation: 3,9
Group performance: 94,5%
Note. Participants’ scores and achievement level in the post-test, own elaboration (2024).
Table 2 proudly displays the group´s overall
performance of 94.5%, equating to 227 points out of
a possible 240. This achievement was a mere 13
points shy of the maximum score. Individually, the
results were equally impressive: participant 1 scored
100% (60 points), participant 2 scored 98.3% (59
points), participant 3 scored 95.8% (58 points), and
participant 4 scored 82.2% (50 points). Notably,
Participant 1 achieved 100% in item I, 100% in item
II, and 100% in item III.
Participant 2 achieved 100% in item I, a
commendable 93.7 % in item II, and 100% in item
III. Participant 3 also showed significant
improvement, scoring 100% in item I, 87.5% in item
II, and 100% in item III. These results indicate a
promising upward trend in achievement levels for
items I and III. However, there was no improvement
in item II, as both the pre-test and post-test scores
remained the same. Participant 4 achieved 91. % in
item I, 75% in item II, and 80% in item III. This
represents a notable improvement in items I and III,
but unfortunately, there was no improvement in item
II, and the score was even lower than the pre-test
score (87,5). This implies a setback in improving
inferential comprehension for narrative texts,
specifically in looking for evidence to support or
justify an inference.
With these results, the most descended item
was item II, which reached 89% of achievement,
Sanhueza-Oyarzún, L. & Quintanilla-Espinoza, A. (2024). The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context. Revista Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0, 17(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v17i2.509
The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to
Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context.
compared to item I, which reached an outstanding
average of 97,9%, and item III, with 95% of
achievement. A notable aspect was that several items
reached the maximum level of achievement expected.
The mean score was 56,7, calculated from every
participant's total scores. The standard deviation was
3,9, calculated from the mean value and the total
scores of every participant. Next, Figure 1 shows the
difference in scores obtained at the pre-test and post-
test group levels.
Figure 1
Contrastive Analysis of Points Gaps between Pre-test
and Post-test.
Note. Difference in scores pre-test and the post-test, own
elaboration (2024).
As Figure 2 shows, the distance between the
score obtained in the post-test and the pre-test is 37
points, which is certainly a high level of joint
improvement. Having obtained 227 points as a group
in the post-test, the distance between the score
obtained and the total score achievable is only 13.
Figure 2 below shows the performance differences
per item obtained at the group level in the pre-test and
the post-test.
Figure 2
Performance Differences at Item Level between Pre-
test and Post-test.
Note. Difference in scores per item, own elaboration (2024).
As Figure 2 shows, group performance
reveals improvement in the three items, from which
items I and III posed the highest levels of
achievement. In item I, there was a 23% improvement
compared with the pre-test performance results. Item
III showed an 18,5% improvement compared with the
performance results of the pre-test. Item II revealed
the lowest level of improvement by reaching only
1,5% if compared with the performance of the pre-
test. Figure 3 below shows the differences in levels
of achievement at the individual level.
Sanhueza-Oyarzún, L. & Quintanilla-Espinoza, A. (2024). The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context. Revista Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0, 17(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v17i2.509
The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to
Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context.
Figure 3
Differences in Levels of Achievement at Individual
Note. Participants’ levels of achievement, own elaboration
As Figure 3 shows, all participants exceeded
their scores in the post-test. Participants 1, 2, and 3
achieved the highest levels of improvement.
Participant 1 scored 60 points in the post-test,
reaching the maximum level of achievement,
supposing a 13,7% performance increase, if
contrasted with the 52 points (86,7% of
achievement), scored in the pre-test. Participant 2
obtained the second highest score in the post-test (59
points), representing 98,3% of achievement. The rate
of improvement reached 20,0% and illustrates an
important performance boost considering the 47
points (78,3% of achievement) scored in the pre-test.
Participant 3 scored 49 points in the pre-test,
which, in turn, represents 82,5% of achievement, and
58 points, that is, 95,8% of achievement in the post-
test. This supposes an increase of 13,3% in
achievement. Participant 4 also managed noticeable
performance achievement by scoring 50 points, that
is, 82,2% of achievement in the post-test if compared
with the 42 points (70% of achievement) obtained in
the pre-test. The performance achievement was
12,2%. Figure 4 shows me the mean scores and the
standard deviation behavior scored by the group in
the pre-test and the post-test. The mean score in the
pre-test reached 47,5 points, and 56,7 points in the
Figure 4
Mean and Standard Deviation in Pre-test and Post-
Note. Data’s mean and standard deviation, own elaboration
As Figure 4 shows, the mean score in the post-
test (56,7) is moderately higher than in the pre-test
(47,5). A greater value in the mean score in the post-
test poses a performance boost in reading
comprehension. The standard deviation reached 3,6%
in the pre-test, slightly augmenting the post-test,
reaching 3,9%. The difference in the pre-test and
post-test dispersion values is only 0,3%. Considering
that the standard deviation in the post-test has a
greater value than the standard deviation in the pre-
test and supposes that participants` scores have a
minimum rate of dispersion, it means, nonetheless, no
negative dispersion concerning the mean score
obtained in the post-test, which increased 9.2 points.
This evidence shows that the level of
dispersion obtained in the post-test is low and reflects
consistent performance improvement in all
participants. A semi-structured interview was used to
analyze students´ perceptions of using reading
strategies and receiving strategic instruction to
answer Specific Objective 2. Using the data from the
transcription, perceptions were meant to be described
following a thematic chart based on content areas that
Sanhueza-Oyarzún, L. & Quintanilla-Espinoza, A. (2024). The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context. Revista Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0, 17(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v17i2.509
The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to
Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context.
form the semi-structured interview. Every content
area was divided into subthemes that concentrated on
the questions that participants were asked to answer.
Table 3 shows the four content areas and their sub-
themes in which the semi-structured was organized.
Table 3
Semi-structured Interview Content Areas and Sub-
Content Area
General knowledge of reading comprehension strategies.
1) Learning strategy.
2) Inference knowledge.
3) Impact of strategies for inferential comprehension.
4) Purpose of reflection for inferential comprehension.
Examples: It is something that helps you understand things in an easier and more understandable way... it is a technique that helps in this case
to improve reading comprehension”.
It is a technique that will help develop a particular area, in this case, as it pertains to learning strategies, it would be a technique that is learned,
Inference is the ability to understand the implicit aspects of the text, it can be the background of the text, figurative language, or whatever the
author wants to convey to us that is not explicitly stated…
“It is a conclusion created from one or several implicit premises, that is to say, it’s not literal”.
Content Area
Use of reading strategies for inferential comprehension.
1) Strategies learned.
2) Use of reading strategies for inference.
Examples: Details, connecting prior knowledge, guiding oneself by the context to deduce words, connecting sentences, asking oneself
...connecting personal knowledge with the text and creating an inference from that... mmm, I also remember reflecting aloud and questioning
the statement in search of inferences... looking for details in the text..
Content Area
Instruction and feedback.
1) Session organization to improve inferential reading comprehension
2) Instances for reflection - discussion
3) Feedback to tackle generation errors
Examples: Yes, because the structure was like... it had cohesion, so it made sense for it to be in that order and it was easy to understand...
and also the type of material that was presented... I think it was a Genially, it's more interactive like if it had been a typical boring PowerPoint…”
In the course of the classes the teacher let me use each of the techniques he had taught me for different types of situations... so I was able to
reflect and recognize the most convenient technique depending on the context”.
“…The class in a certain way also gave those instances, that is, it raised the level gradually and it was very well thought out so that sooner or
later you (the student) were going to make a mistake or have a doubt, so the feedback would be there, andthe level was gradually raised...you
felt more and more challenged. So, the feedback, when you made a mistake, was good.
Content Area
Personal satisfaction and learning achievements.
1) Learning objectives.
2) Feelings toward lessons.
3) Reading challenges.
Examples: Yes, I think I was able to achieve the objectives, but there were some things that were very complicated in the items. Like in the
first item I felt I had everything right, but in the feedback you made me notice details and key words that changed the whole meaning of the
I felt comfortable, and I also liked that I could do these classes with someone else...because sometimes when we shared the exercises, in the
last one I remember that I didn't know what something meant and my partner knew what it meant, and that helped me to learn from her”.
I think so... they were like the ones in the text that said things like 'you can park here' and gave reasons why... and we had to select an
alternative... because I am very literal, for me everything is very literal, so having to select an alternative based on something that wasn’t said,
sometimes it was difficult for me, but only that... but in the end, I was able to get to the answers”.
Note. Content areas and sub-themes of the semi-structured
interview and brief excerpts of participants thoughts, own
elaboration (2024).
As Table 3 shows, every content area was
divided into sub-themes that concentrated on the
questions that participants were asked to answer. In
addition, content areas were focused mainly on
content and instruction. For the content area General
knowledge on reading comprehension strategies,”
sub-themes revealed that three participants described
a strategy as a technique used for learning
enhancement. One participant referred to it as a
methodology that entails research. The analysis also
revealed that the four participants shared a common
awareness of the concept of inference, referring to it
as the ability to comprehend and interpret non-literal
information by making guesses and drawing
conclusions, with a strong base on reflection to
understand texts from a critical and analytical view.
Participants understood the positive impact of
reading using comprehension strategies on
optimizing and enhancing comprehension, especially
those texts that contain various forms of implicit
information. For the content area “Use of reading
strategies for inferential comprehension,”
information from sub-themes revealed that all
participants could remember and mention the
strategies; besides, when asked, all four participants
could describe all five strategies thoroughly
according to their function within the texts. For the
content area “Instruction and feedback,” the four
participants highlighted the organization of lessons,
which means the logical sequence of class structure,
emphasizing the technological resources the
researcher used to secure an effective understanding
of the strategies presented and foster practice
While lessons were designed under the CALLA
model, the four participants perceived that class space
given for reflection (expansion stage) was a valuable
opportunity for analytical and interactional skills
development, especially when discussing what
strategies were more likely to be used according to
the texts presented. In this line, they emphasized that
the design and organization of the lessons made them
feel a sense of progression, and the reflection
instances contributed to developing a sense of
inclusion because all participants had the same
opportunities to interact and share views about the
texts with peers and the researcher. Furthermore, all
four participants stressed the importance of receiving
feedback and teacher modeling as learning resources
to prevent the generation of errors and clarify the use
of inferential reading strategies.
They do not perceive feedback as a negative
way to highlight their mistakes but as an opportunity
to realize what needs to be improved and how to use
Sanhueza-Oyarzún, L. & Quintanilla-Espinoza, A. (2024). The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context. Revista Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0, 17(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v17i2.509
The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to
Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context.
reading strategies for inferential reading effectively
according to the texts presented. Finally, for the
content area “Personal satisfaction and learning
achievements” three participants perceived that
creating a friendly learning environment fosters
comfort and engagement in participating in the
lessons. One participant perceived motivation as an
appealing attitude that facilitates understanding and
applying the reading strategies learned after reporting
that previous experience with reading comprehension
lessons was tedious. It is equally important to
highlight that all participants were to have developed
positive feelings and attitudes and that they would
take part in an online learning context, which tends to
represent more challenge because of the intensive rate
of participation it involves.
Besides, all four participants perceived a sense
of achievement of the learning goals for every
session. Nevertheless, two participants perceived that
achieving the learning objectives took work,
especially when practicing reading texts containing
multiple-choice and idiomatic expressions. One
participant referred specifically to the difficulty of
applying reading strategies, perceiving the “thinking
aloud” strategy as challenging, for it had been a new
This study addresses the question: "To what
extent can inferential reading strategy training help
students improve their reading comprehension in an
online private lesson context?" The findings
demonstrate that such training significantly enhances
reading comprehension within online private lessons.
Through a carefully designed intervention,
participants show substantial improvements in
inferential reading skills, as evidenced by pre-test and
post-test analyses. Moreover, the intervention fosters
a notable increase in mean values, indicating
enhanced reading proficiency. Additionally, positive
perceptions towards the strategies employed further
reinforce the intervention's efficacy, highlighting its
transformative potential in online learning
The findings of this study align with a wealth
of quantitative research in the field, which
underscores the significance of inferential reading
strategy training in improving reading
comprehension outcomes. Fu (2012) and Younus &
Khan (2017) provide empirical support for the notion
that strategy-based instruction yields significant
improvements in reading comprehension. Similarly,
Lopera (2012) and Elleman (2016) report positive
outcomes stemming from strategy-based
interventions, corroborating the effectiveness of such
approaches across diverse educational contexts.
These studies underscore the consistent impact of
inferential reading strategy training on both the
cognitive and affective dimensions of reading
comprehension, highlighting its importance in
fostering not only proficiency but also a positive
attitude towards reading, which is key for emotional
On the other hand, similar studies examining
students' perceptions of strategic reading instruction
offer additional insights. Dorman & Knightley (2006)
found that students' positive perceptions of classroom
assessment tasks significantly influenced their
academic self-efficacy. Similarly, Cheng et al. (2015)
highlighted the importance of involving learners in
generating their perspectives on content selection and
learning effectiveness. Additionally, Fälth, & Nord
(2018) observed that peer discussions and
interchanging ideas during reading activities fostered
a sense of inclusion and engagement among students.
These findings complement the positive perceptions
reported by participants in this study, indicating a
pattern of increased motivation, engagement, and
perceived relevance of reading strategies.
Future research endeavors should prioritize
expanding the sample size to enhance the
generalizability of findings to further advance our
understanding of effective reading instruction.
Additionally, exploring the underlying mechanisms
through which inferential reading strategy training
influences reading comprehension outcomes could
provide valuable insights into instructional efficacy.
Furthermore, investigating the role of technology in
facilitating strategy-based instruction and addressing
individual differences in learning preferences and
needs would contribute to the development of tailored
instructional approaches.
The importance of the study lies in its
investigation into the efficacy of inferential reading
strategies in enhancing reading comprehension
among students. The study reveals that all
participants improved their inferential reading
performance through four interventions. Comparing
Sanhueza-Oyarzún, L. & Quintanilla-Espinoza, A. (2024). The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context. Revista Tecnológica-Educativa Docentes 2.0, 17(2), 159-169. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v17i2.509
The Contribution of Inferential Reading Strategies to
Improve the Reading Comprehension Skill in an Online
Private Lesson Context.
the results of the pre-test and the post-test, it is
evident that the improvement is visible at both
individual and group levels, as evidenced by the mean
score in the post-test. Also, the dispersion rate is
minimal in the post-test. While some performance
inconsistencies are observed, such as maintaining
item scores in both tests or obtaining lower scores in
the post-test than in the pre-test, overall performance
improvement is significant, with participants
achieving the maximum score (100%) at the item
It is important to mention that, for this action
research, all participants were exposed to text formats
with language structures they had never seen before
(PET reading activities, figurative language) and still
managed to get moderate results in the pre-test
without having received any instruction on inferential
reading comprehension strategies in the past. A
reflection that can be drawn is that participants may
answer questions based on speculation without
certainty of the meaning of those texts' passages. This
assumption is later confirmed when participants point
out that there were some texts they partially
comprehended. This assumption may generate a deal
of controversy about whether to use multiple choice
or not to measure reading comprehension to avoid
inaccurate results when tested.
Analyzing the transcriptions from the thematic
chart of the semi-structured interview, participants`
perceptions evidence a significant increase in their
knowledge about reading strategies. They now have
a more comprehensive understanding of how the
strategies learned are to be used, and in what sort of
text situation. All participants demonstrate
knowledge to distinguish literal meaning from
inferential meaning, giving a short description of how
the inference-making process works. This increase in
knowledge is a reassuring sign of the study's
Additionally, results reveal that comfortability,
motivation, engagement, inclusion, and a sense of
progression are the most common feelings and
attitudes manifested by the participants during the
whole intervention process. These attitudinal factors
and feelings, primarily evoked from lesson
organization, materials, instances for peer discussion
and reflection, and feedback, are a testament to the
positive impact of the study's recommendations.
From these results, one significant advantage of using
reading strategies for successful comprehension is
that supporting learning resources such as
dictionaries or online translators are not used at all.
The study offers valuable recommendations
and suggestions for future research in reading
comprehension. Firstly, to allow learners to show
what they have, feedback should be continually given
to promote discussion. Secondly, to let participants
reflect on the texts, especially when peer discussing,
because sharing reflections can sustain, argue, or alter
another learner's views about the possible meaning of
a certain passage. Finally, to create a learning
environment that promotes learning and
participation, i.e. material must be prepared
according to the e-learning standards that participants
expect to face. In this sense, it is pivotal to present
clear texts with clear instructions and transitions
between content and activities so as not to overwhelm
learners and, most importantly, maintain a friendly
and supportive attitude toward the students to
increase their confidence and motivation to complete
their tasks.
Considering the specific objectives of this
research, its findings have significant implications for
the future. The study paves the way for improved
reading comprehension instruction methodologies by
identifying the effectiveness of teaching inferential
reading strategies. Enhancing comprehension skills
resulting from strategic instruction can positively
influence students' academic performance and overall
literacy levels. Furthermore, students' perceptions
regarding the use of reading strategies provide
insights into their learning experiences and
preferences, informing future instructional
approaches tailored to students' needs and
Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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