The design of Digital Educational Materials an experience in teaching DOI:

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Lucero Martínez Allende
Ana Isabel García Monro
Engelbert Eduardo Engelbert Eduardo


The Transformation in education of the XXI Century requires the teacher to evolve the way of teaching his class. applying strategies, according to the demands of the globalized context. With this the students will acquire skills, which puts them at the forefront; Through the Digital Educational Materials (MED), the Learning Experience was applied to the students of Environmental Engineering of the fourth semester in the learning unit of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, promoting social learning where there is interaction and coexistence among the members of the team generating new knowledge, based on the contribution of each and every one. Achieving a complex learning because it gives a solution to a problem where you will have to analyze interprets, integrates and execute. achieving the cognitive process that is intended to be achieved in the integration of the MED being higher order, because, storing, recovering, transforming and transmitting to reach the metacognition.


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How to Cite
Martínez Allende, L., García Monro, A. I., & Engelbert Eduardo, E. E. (2019). The design of Digital Educational Materials an experience in teaching. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 7(1), 47–50.

Citaciones del Artículo


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