Academic Reciprocity is the union of inter-institutional capacities, complementary, aimed at increasing the quality of processes and products derived from their respective educational projects. The union of academic capacities is revealed through processes of exchange, collaboration and inter-institutional participation, which allow Higher Education Institutions to strengthen regional, national and international integration, to positively impact social and economic development processes where HEIs are inserted.

The agreements signed by Grupo Docentes 2.0 CA with Institutions of Higher Education, from Venezuela and abroad, as well as the elaboration of inter-institutional collaboration programs, they allow to carry out actions of academic mobility, exchange of scientific material, development of research projects in international cooperation, organization of conferences, seminars, and others Joint activities, which contribute to raising the academic quality of the participating institutions.


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** For more information, you can contact: Grupo Docentes 2.0 CA

Academic cooperation at the national level

Academic cooperation at the international level.