The Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEJD) understands an author of a published work as an individual who has intellectually contributed to it in an effective form. Following the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), to be considered an author, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Having contributed significantly to the conception and design, or the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the study's data that resulted in the article.
  2. Having contributed significantly to the writing or the critical revision of the text.
  3. To have approved the final version of the text submitted.

The acknowledgments can only mention those who do not meet these three criteria. To avoid the risk of ghostwriting or fictive/purloined authorship, it is advisable that before the document is submitted, all authors agree on their contributions and the order in which they will appear on the list of co-authors.

To specify the contribution of each author to work it is advisable to use the criteria established by the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy):

Conceptualization – Ideas, formulation, or evolution of the research’s objectives and general goals.

Data curation – Managing duties to write down data (produce metadata), filter, and keep a record of the data (including the software code, whenever necessary to interpret the data themselves) for present or future use.

Formal analysis – Use statistical, mathematical, computational, or other techniques to analyze or synthesize data.

Fundraising – Securing financial support for the project that leads to the publication.

Research – Carrying out the research, explicitly conducting experiments or the data/evidence gathering.

Methodology – Development or design of the methodology and models.

Management of the project – Responsibility for managing and coordinating the planning and execution of the research.

Resources – Providing the study materials, chemical reagents, laboratory samples, instruments, patients, animals, digital resources, and/or other analysis tools.

Software – Software programming and development, design of software tools, implementation of code and supporting algorithms, testing of existing code.

Supervision – Responsibility for oversight and leadership in the planning and execution of the research, including the audit external to the core team.

Visualization – Preparation, creation, and/or presentation of the published work, specifically the visualization and presentation of data.

Writing – first draft – Preparation, creation, and/or presentation of the published work, specifically of the first draft (including translations).

Writing – review and editing – Preparation, creation, and/or presentation of the published work by the members of the original research group and of critical revisions and notes. This includes the stages before and after publication.

Each author's contribution must be stated at the end of the work in a note named “Author contribution statement.”

To determine the order in the signing of the article, authors can resort to any of the three standard practices:

'First-last-author-emphasis' approach (FLAE): the first and last signature are equally important. Between these two, the order of signature indicates a decreasing contribution grade.

'Sequence-determines-credit' approach (SDC): the order indicates the significance.

'Equal contribution' norm (EC): alphabetic order is used to acknowledge equal contributions and/or avoid collaborative group disputes.

The opinions and facts included in each article are the sole responsibility of the authors, just as the ethical appropriateness of the same. Furthermore, authors must state explicitly that the authorship of the text is theirs and that any third party's intellectual property rights have been observed. Likewise, they are responsible for ensuring they have the necessary authorizations to use, reproduce and print any material whose property belongs to a third party (tables, graphics, maps, diagrams, photographs, etc.). By submitting an article, authors accept that the work is original and has not been sent for consideration or published in any other journal.

To avoid any possible confusion with the authors’ names and to guarantee the adequate attribution of publications and quotes, the journal requires the ORCID ID from all involved authors. Although this cannot guarantee correct identification completely, the adoption of ORCID constitutes an additional form of control against authorial fraud.

Changes in authorship

Any incorporation, exclusion, or reorganization of the authors’ names must be done before the work has been accepted for publication and needs to be approved by the journal’s editor.

To request this change, the author must send to the editor:

The motive justifies the modification of the list of authors.

The written confirmation of all involved authors stating their agreement with the incorporation, exclusion, or reorganization of the list of contributors. In the cases of incorporation or exclusion, the confirmation of the author affected needs to be included as well.

Once a manuscript has been accepted, the contributors' list's incorporation, exclusion, or reorganization will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. The article's publication will stop while the request for the changes is evaluated. If the manuscript is published online, the changes appertaining to a granted request will be introduced in a correction note.

Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest easily identified are financial interests such as direct employment, payment for consultancies, participation in a company, salary fees, patent exploitation, or payment for lectures. However, conflicts may also arise from friendships, intellectual rivalry, academic competition, or personal beliefs. When sending an article for publication, all authors must declare any financial or personal involvement with any public or private institution that might influence (even if unintentionally) the results of their work. Likewise, authors must declare any non-financial relation that may cause a conflict of interest in their work (personal, academic, ideological, intellectual, political, or religious).

Conflicts of interest, both financial and non-financial, must be notified when the article is submitted. The rationale behind this requisite is not to impede the publication of authors with competing interests but to ensure that these can be identified clearly so that readers can judge if authors may be predisposed or influenced in their work.

At the end of the work, a note referred to as “Conflict of interest” will be published. 


*Statement based on COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Elsevier recommendations.
