The Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEDJ)  shares and promotes the ethics guidelines and good editorial practices of the COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics), thus guaranteeing the transparency and integrity of intellectual property.

The editors of the Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEDJ) must be aware of intellectual property issues and work with the editorial group to resolve potential violations of intellectual property laws and conventions. Best practices for publishers would include the following actions:

  • Adopt plagiarism detection systems (e.g., software, search for similar titles) for submitted articles (either routinely or when doubts arise about a particular document);
  • Support authors whose copyright has been violated or who have been victims of plagiarism;
  • Be prepared to work with the editorial group to defend authors' rights and prosecute infringers (for example, requesting retractions or removing material from websites).