This policy refers to the control over the ethics of the publication (see Editorial Policies - Publication Ethics). The Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEDJ) director will ensure that the editorial board, reviewers, and authors comply with the necessary ethical standards in the publication process.

Tools such as Turnitin®, from iParadigms, LLC, and search engines such as Google® are used to detect plagiarism. If self-plagiarism is evidenced, the author will be notified to resolve the situation; If the author does not respond to the notification, the article will be rejected for publication. In the case of plagiarism, the proposal will be immediately dismissed.

Authors are encouraged to read the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) resources on scientific publication ethics.

The Teaching Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEDJ) is governed by the regulations of the World Intellectual Property Organization, which regulates Venezuela through the laws:

  1. PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA. 1997. Regulation of the Law on copyright and Decision 351 of the Cartagena Agreement's Commission contains the legal regime on copyright and related rights. Caracas Venezuela. Official Gazette No. 5155 Extraordinary. September 9, 1997.
  2. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA.2005. Penal Code. Caracas Venezuela. Official Gazette No. 5768. Extraordinary. April 13, 2005.
  3. CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA. 1993. Copyright Law. Caracas Venezuela. Official Gazette No. 4638 Extraordinary. October 1, 1993.
  4. National Assembly 2013 (AN). Official Gazette No. 40,274, dated October 17, the Infogovernment Law.
  5. If the postulated document is found to have a similarity of more than 20% with published papers, the authors will be informed who have a maximum period of 15 days to send their corrections and comments depending on the case; in this way, determine if it is a plagiarism behavior, which generates the non-acceptance of the document if it is not corrected.
  6. If fraud is detected, the text will be withdrawn from the process, and the author will be notified of said decision.
  7. The Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEDJ) establishes that when detecting plagiarism, self-plagiarism, or any situation that transgresses the ethical standards of scientific publication, one must: Reject the article and notify the Researcher(s) of the plagiarism/self-plagiarism/ situation.

As general provisions, it is established that:

  • Every document sent to the Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEDJ) must be original and unpublished; it must not have been sent simultaneously to another journal.
  • Each author declares the originality with the submission, guaranteeing that the text is original, is not plagiarized or self-plagiarized, and has not been published in another digital or printed medium.
  • The author must confirm through the Declaration of Ethics form if they have any conflict of interest. See policies
    Verbatim quotes or paraphrasing must be clearly distinguished from each author's elaborations. All the theoretical and methodological references will be provided, duly referenced according to the latest edition of the 7th edition of the APA Standards:
  • In research involving human beings, the privacy of individuals must be respected, including the confidentiality of their identities, and only indicate that their informed consent was obtained.
  • The results must be presented honestly without manipulating, falsifying, or producing the data inappropriately or falsely.
  • The methodology of unpublished research must be presented clearly and without ambiguity so that the scientific community can confirm, analyze, and replicate the results.
  • Publications derived from a previous research project (thesis or second part of a large study) must be identified, recognizing the primary publication from which they arise and complying with the format of a scientific research article.
  • Therefore, the journal asks researchers to cite the contents of the source when using them.
  • In this sense, and to guarantee compliance with the quality standards of the publication and maintain the original and unpublished nature of the published results, all contributions received will be submitted for verification through the software.