RTED is a peer-reviewed open-access journal published by the Teaching Group 2.0 C.A., which aims to raise the profile of learning technology research, encouraging research that informs good practices and contributes to policy development.

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Authors can submit and propose articles to the magazine, entering their website. The first step is to fill and fill out all the required data. When you already have the Username, log in to the system, identify yourself as Author and perform the steps of the submission process. The author must load the elements, as well as provide the metadata or index the related information; in order to improve the search capability of your online magazine. The author can also accompany the article with complementary files such as information groups, research instruments or source texts that enrich the article and contribute to broader forms of research and science. Go to the site


Each article submitted will be specifically reviewed by two peer reviewers. The review process applies the double-blind method. The decision of publication, modification or rejection is based on your reports/recommendations. After being reviewed, there will be four types of publisher decisions based on the reviewers' recommendation: 1. Accept submission: The submission will be accepted without revisions. Required revisions: The presentation will be accepted after minor changes have been made. 3. Forward for review: The presentation must be modified, but with specific changes, it can be accepted. However, it will require a second round of review. 4. Rejection of shipment: The shipment will not be published in the magazine.


The agreements signed by Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A. with institutions of higher education, from Venezuela and abroad, as well as the elaboration of inter-institutional collaboration programs, allowing to realize actions of academic mobility, exchange of scientific material, development of research projects in international cooperation, organization of conferences, seminars, and others Joint activities, which require an increase in the academic quality of the participating institutions.

** For more information, you can contact: Group Teachers 2.0 CAC

*Academic cooperation at national level

*Academic cooperation at international level


Do you have any questions?

Contact us! Remember that you can contact us by sending a message via WhatsApp at +17865296252, by writing to [email protected]. We will inform you of everything you need