Archive Policy

The Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEJD) employs various procedures aimed at guaranteeing the permanent accessibility of the digital objects that it hosts on its servers:

  • Backups.
  • We monitor the technological environment to anticipate possible obsolete formats or software migrations.
  • Digital preservation metadata.
  • Use of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
  • Use, as editorial manager, of OJS (Open Journal Systems) in its version 3.3, open-source software compatible with the OAI-PHM interoperability protocol (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting).

In addition, it deposits its metadata in different national and international repositories to guarantee long-term digital preservation, such as REDIB (Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge) see the index page.

It uses the digital preservation system of the PKP Preservation Network. It offers digital preservation services, in open source, to permanently provide and preserve access to the digital content generated in our publication.

The files published on this website are available in easily reproducible formats. The digital preservation policy will be reviewed periodically by Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A.