Use of Digital Technology in Teaching and Learning Mathematics: A Classroom Practice Perspective DOI:

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Martinez-Huertas, J. C.


In the 21st century, the impact of Information and Communication Technologies in many disciplines is undeniable, especially in the educational field. The fundamental objective of the study was to provide a broad vision of pedagogical experiences that demonstrate how technology can significantly improve mathematics learning in line with the mathematical processes established in the curricular guidelines. Methodologically, it was framed in the interpretive paradigm, a qualitative descriptive approach in classrooms of different institutions and educational levels, in which observations of pedagogical practices related to the use of DT were made. Likewise, semi-structured interviews were conducted with students to understand their experiences and perceptions better. The results reveal that, despite the challenges, the use of TD can significantly improve mathematics learning by providing interactive resources and tools that facilitate the understanding of abstract concepts and promote the active participation of students. An alignment with the mathematical processes established in the curricular guidelines was also observed, which suggests a transformative potential in the educational process.


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How to Cite
Martinez-Huertas, J. C. (2024). Use of Digital Technology in Teaching and Learning Mathematics: A Classroom Practice Perspective. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 17(2), 27–33.

Citaciones del Artículo


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