The nuclear action of crime in the criminal integral organic code DOI:

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Crespo-Berti Luis Andrés


The investigation established the consequences of the meaning of nuclear action as a substantive element of a criminal nature in computer crimes, provided for in Book I of the recent partial reform of the Ecuadorian substantive criminal codification (2019). The objective agreed to make an interpretation in the classification of the infraction from the cyber field. The perspective transcends by the degree of subjectivity on the part of the legislator, by subjectively prescribing nuclear action. The research design is inserted in the qualitative paradigm, it had the characteristic of being of the feasible type, on an explanatory level and ordinarily the modeled method of constant comparison, the exegetical and that of the logical structures. Its purpose was to explain the behavior of one variable according to another. The results provided verifications such as that the Ecuadorian State, through the exercise of the criminal action must operationalize in exegetic terms, the adequacy of the conduct displayed in order to properly qualify it ab initio of the criminal process for the correct criminalization of the crime perpetrated. As a corollary, exegesis versus the genesis of the offender's behavior in line with the consciousness and will of the volitional act.


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How to Cite
Crespo-Berti, . L. A. (2020). The nuclear action of crime in the criminal integral organic code. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 9(1), 17–27.
Author Biography

Crespo-Berti Luis Andrés, Regional Autonomous University of the Andes, extension Ibarra-Ecuador

Author Biography Luis Andrés Crespo Berti, Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, extensión Ibarra-Ecuador

Main level III teacher-researcher and research coordinator of the faculty of jurisprudence of the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes, Ibarra extension. Dr. PhD in Legal Sciences, Criminal Mention. National Researcher Accredited by SENESCYT of Ecuador, Reg. N ° REG-INV-17-01842. ORCID ID: By profession Marketer, methodologist, administrator and trinational lawyer EC-PE-VE (member), he is also a penal professor and methodologist. Specialist, Magister Scientiarum and doctor of Legal Sciences, criminal mention (2001). From 2003 to 2019, he has worked as a professor-researcher, academic and research coordinator. Guest speaker-speaker at 13 magistrates in these last two years at International Scientific Congresses, USA (3), PANAMA (2), PERU (2) , ECUADOR (3), SPAIN (1) and VENEZUELA (2) (2016-2018). It has 40 publications indexed in international databases, among which are: Web of Science, Scopus and SciELO. Among them are 7 books; 4 chapters of collective books, 3 essays; 1 research macro executed (UCV-2014); 1 book review and; 24 articles. His research fields are: Current criminal law; behavioral and behavioral sciences, especially in law and education. Most outstanding aspects of the research and teaching experience: - Certified Online Learning Facilitator: Moodle Platform and Acropolis at Doctoral level in Legal Sciences.- Advisor, consultant and tutor of 936 research projects at national and international level, in postgraduate (doctorate, masters, specialization and undergraduate) in numerous universities: UCBSP, BO / UNIACC, CH / ULADECH, PE / UNITEC, VE / UCV, VE / UCE, EC / UCAB , VE / UDLA, EC / PUCE, EC / UJMV, VE / USM, VE / CIU, CU / UIDE, EC / UNIANDES, EC / UNACHI, PA / UMET, EC / BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, USA / COMPLUTENSE, ES / USC, ES, among others.- Expert trainer in standards and APA style formats, Chicago and Vancouver.- Trainer in the methodology of reagent designs (structured based tests).

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