The Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEDJ) shares and promotes the guidelines of ethics and good editorial practices of the COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics), thus guaranteeing transparency and integrity in all processes by the journal's editorial team, as well as their collaborators in the roles of authors and evaluators.

As defined by COPE (199) Definition: Editors are the stewards of journals. They usually take over their journal from the previous editor(s) and always want to hand over the journal in good shape.

Most editors provide direction for the journal and build a strong management team. They must consider and balance the interests of many constituents, including readers, authors, staff, owners, editorial board members, advertisers, and the media.

(1) Editors’ decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based only on the paper’s importance, originality, and clarity, and the study’s relevance to the remit of the journal.

(2) Studies that challenge previous work published in the journal should be given an especially sympathetic hearing.

(3) Studies reporting negative results should not be excluded.

(4) All original studies should be peer reviewed before publication, taking into full account possible bias due to related or conflicting interests.

(5) Editors must treat all submitted papers as confidential.

(6) When a published paper is subsequently found to contain major flaws, editors must accept responsibility for correcting the record prominently and promptly.

*Statement based on COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Elsevier recommendations.
