Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEJD) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal aiming to raise the international technological-educational-scientific research profile. TEJD's mission is to make research freely available with immediate open access of content to the public at an international level, which guarantees a global exchange of knowledge worldwide, encourages good practices, develops new policies, and advances the advancement of scientific communities.

TEJD enjoys an international reputation for publishing original academic articles and essays. Drawing from a diverse global community of academics, publishers who publish and promote discourse internationally in the area of social science, education, and technology: Learning and knowledge technologies, innovative spaces for learning, flipped classrooms, gamification, competency-based learning, active learning, challenge-based learning, constructive learning assessment, open access (practices, resources, repositories), mobile learning and others in the Technological-Educational area.

TEJD does not publish in the area of ​​Medical Sciences and Humanities (except where articles have clear applicability to core areas of technology and education).

TEJD only considers research articles, literature review articles, and pedagogical essays. It does not accept hypothesis works, comments, opinion articles, case studies, or case reports.

Articles published in TEJD meet selection criteria, including originality, relevance, multidisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, distinction, and the study's conclusions. TEJD evaluates articles solely on an objective determination of scientific and methodological soundness, not on subjective determinations of "impact," "newness," or "interest."

TEJD applies the highest standards in everything it does; specifically, the publication emphasizes the integrity of the research; high ethical standards; constructive peer review through double blinding; exemplary production quality; and cutting-edge online functionality. Review peer review process.

TEJD implements an Article Processing Charge (APC), a charge, cost, or amount for processing that some journals require from authors to publish their articles in open access after the acceptance of the manuscript.

TEJD does not accept pre-shipment inquiries; If you're unsure whether your paper qualifies for a particular submission type, check out the guidelines for authors.

TEJD Submissions that do not meet journal guidelines will be returned to the author without peer review reports or editors' notes.

TEJD reserves the right to refuse to consider or publish any submission not based on established scientific knowledge or that conflicts with TEJD's core values.

Read the guidelines for authors for complete information on submitting your article or essay, including formatting, images, and digital components such as copyright.

The presentation or sending of the extension is only through our online digital portal.

TEJD has an international scope reach in the following detailed areas:

Social Sciences:

  1. Anthropology
  2. Law science
  3. Economy
  4. Sociology
  5. Psychology
  6. Pedagogy


  1. Philosophy of Education
  2. Anthropology of Education
  3. Sociology of Education
  4. Psychology of the education
  5. Andragogy
  6. Economics of Education
  7. Pedagogy
  8. Didactics
  9. Educative technology
  10. Innovative spaces for learning.
  11. Inverted classroom.
  12. Gamification
  13. Competency-based learning.
  14. Active learning.
  15. Challenge-based learning.
  16. Constructive note of learning.


  1. Computer engineering or ICT
  2. Cybersecurity
  3. Big Data, business intelligence data processing
  4. Visual interface design
  5. Robotics
  6. Internet of things
  7. 5G
  8. Artificial intelligence
  9. Virtual reality
  10. Learning and Knowledge Technologies.
  11. Open access (practices, resources, repositories).
  12. Mobile learning.

This newspaper is published in May-November.