Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEJD) is a digital scientific journal with an editorial policy where the credibility and authenticity of published articles prevail, and it establishes the following criteria that must be taken into account so that the bad is not declared praxis when publishing a manuscript.

  1. Authors must ensure that the rights of people participating in research are respected and fulfilled.
  2. Under no circumstances may authors send their manuscripts to other journals simultaneously. The unpublished nature of the submitted manuscript must be accredited through a signed communication in which this condition is established.
  3. Authors will be penalized if the manipulation of citations is verified, which includes: a) citing sources without having consulted them, b) omitting references that contradict the research itself, c) exchanging citations, d) and excessive self-citation made by the authors of their articles already published.
  4. The authors who submit the manuscript and the editor must ensure that authorship conflicts do not occur, typified by the type of contribution that can be considered as authorship, the number of authors and their order, ghost authorship, or underserved or honorary authorship.
  5. Malpractice will be determined if the duplication or segmentation of the manuscript is verified when it is evident that the author has incurred in the use of total or partial results of an investigation, in which it can be seen how the title, abstract, or presentation has been changed. in another language adding co-authors.
  6. Both authors, editors, and reviewers must have an ethical commitment to scientific work. The search and questioning of the truth assisted by scientific methods should prevail, which is claimed with the ethical practice for the entire research exercise.
  7. The editors, reviewers, and authors will be co-responsible guarantors of the ethical practice in the publication, for which it is necessary to sanction: a) strict compliance with the rules of Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEJD) in the process of receiving the manuscript. b) a thorough and substantiated double-blind review in which the information presented by the authors is validated or not. The arbitrators will comply with the anti-plagiarism policy described in the ethical aspects of Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEJD), which establishes the use of software that detects levels of plagiarism and includes the penalty for the manufacture and falsification of data and altered images, presented intentionally, knowingly or recklessly to the detriment of science and society, c) that the editor as an intermediary between the author, the reviewer and the readers, fulfills the responsibility of selecting the works that comply with the current regulations of the journal and that represent a contribution to the social sciences and the social-historical context, and then, based on peer review, decide to reject or accept a manuscript.
  8. Solve conflict of interests: a) there should not be any type of personal, professional, or financial relationship between the authors and the editors, to endorse the transparency and impartiality of the publication, b) regarding the arbitrators, they must immediately notify the editors of any conflict of interest that creates some kind of bias towards the manuscript, for which they must submit their resignation to the arbitration process.
  9. Avoid the interference of the promoting institution or body in the editor's work by pressuring him or her to decide the editorial process.
  10. Failure to comply with the elements indicated would incur malpractice for the author, referee, or editor, which must be reported and sanctioned.
  11. Individuals accused of malpractice will be protected against false or anonymous accusations. The latter will be considered when there is relevant evidence to investigate the issue.

Download Worksheet: Statement of Professional Ethics