Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEDJ) publishes biannually and implements the Article Processing Charge (APC), which is the charge, cost, or amount for processing that some journals require from authors to publish their articles in open access after the acceptance of the manuscript. This APC is applied to all academic, administrative, teaching, student, and research collaborators. The amount varies according to the number of authors see the link, and the maximum is four (4) authors for 199.99 USD. However, TEJD does NOT financially compensate those who contribute to it with their publications. If you have any questions, please contact the publisher through the following email: [email protected]

Article Processing Charge  (APC):

Once the article's suitability is determined and it is verified that it meets all the formal characteristics required in the Guidelines for Authors section, an electronic message with the payment instructions will be sent.

Number of authors Price
1 Author 99.99 USD
2 Authors 129.99 USD
3 Authors 169.99 USD
4 Authors 199.99 USD

* Includes Arbitration, typographical correction, style, layout, and data conservation in the LOCKSS, DOI system, and XML markup according to SciELO protocols.

Orthographic Correction:

  • Transpositions or omissions of characters.
  • Inappropriate or inconsistent use of quotation marks.
  • Syntactic and grammatical errors.
  • Accentuation errors in the use of abbreviations and symbols or the writing of figures and magnitudes.
  • Incorrect application of capital letters, italics, bold, abbreviation, superscript, and subscript.
  • Punctuation failures (ellipses, dialogue scripts, subsections, etc.).
  • Incorrect targets (spacing, indentations ...) and alignment errors. Provision (paragraph followed or separated) and incorrect citations.

Style Correction:

  • Ensure correct use of tenses.
  • Repair gaps (add missing terms and delete unnecessary ones).
  • Eliminate errors and vocabulary inaccuracies.
  • Adapt the text to the template proposed by the editorial.

Data Conservation:

Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEDJ) uses the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and allows the creation of permanent archives in the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.

DOI (Digital Object Identifier):

A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a way to identify a digital object (e.g., an electronic article in a magazine, or a chapter in an electronic book...) regardless of its URL so that if it changes, the object remains the same ID. In addition, DOI technology links academic references. TEJD is a member of Crossref to provides a stable source of information about the digital objects generated by the magazine.


RTED refers to layout as the presentation of the article to the public in the following formats: PDF, HTML, XML, and ePub, since the first image is the one that counts in high quality and professional aspects.

* IMPORTANT! If you want to pay the amount indicated in the budget through PayPal, the amount of the budget will be up to date, depending on the fee charged by PayPal. Check Paypal rates and currency exchange