The relevance of the Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEJD) expresses the will to generate and disseminate knowledge and motivate human and sustainable development at the local, regional, national, and international levels. The research carried out and shared in our journal in each published issue guarantees authors international production, distribution, and reuse of knowledge, specifically in social sciences, technology, and education.

Such context is the motivation of the Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEJD) because it encourages it to reinforce the scientific foundations of a multicultural society relevant to the knowledge society at all its academic and institutional levels.

Therefore, Technological-Educational Journal Docentes 2.0 (TEJD), in its legacy of disseminating specialized knowledge on topics of interest and current affairs, is increasingly committed to promoting critical, multiple, intercultural spirits with great relevance to the development of the country and the world. Therefore, it is a commitment that admits to achieving the continuous improvement of academic quality, public ethics, and duties of the integral development of society to conduct high-quality research in a globalized society.

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