Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age DOI:

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Mujica-Sequera, R.


When reflecting on the term literacy, individuals immediately imagine a subject without minimum literacy skills. This article was conceived to study the importance of generating knowledge in the 21st century. It arose from the antagonism that experts should only publish scientific publications. For the study's undertaking, a multidisciplinary approach was maintained, where different perspectives were incorporated and conceptions about Social Sciences, psychology, citizen, social and pedagogical participation. Qualitative research of the phenomenological-hermeneutic method was carried out. Ten (10) social actors of the International Workshop of Writing Scientific Articles were interviewed to structure, codify, and categorize the results. This epistemic journey allowed a theoretical approach focused on the literacy of social actors to generate knowledge through meaningful science education. Based on the social actors' voice, it was established the tearing of each editorial's bureaucratic chains because the experience is more accessible in the digital era. However, illiteracy has spread rapidly, incited by the old school groups, creating confusion in the events, and expanding their hegemony. Therefore, scientific literacy (SLC) is not only focused on the common factor of scientific activity of how, but also the strengthening of science through Higher Education Institutions, research groups, organizations, and educational enterprises.


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How to Cite
Mujica-Sequera, R. M. (2021). Scientific Literacy: Indispensable Tool in the Digital Age. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 11(1), 19–26.
Author Biography

Mujica-Sequera, R., Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A

Ruth Mujica, is Venezuelan and has been living in the Middle East for more than 8 years. He studied Industrial Engineering and Systems Engineering (Cum Laude) Degree Work: Honorable Mention. He has a Master's Degree in University Teaching (Summa Cum Laude) Degree Work: Honorary Mention and Master's Degree in Software Engineering, with a University Teaching Specialization (Summa Cum Laude) from Fermín Toro University, Venezuela. Currently, she is a Doctorate in Educational Technology and Management. He is an Educational Coach, systemic therapist in Neurolinguistic Programming, Transpersonal Psychology, applied in the educational field and Microsoft Certified Innovative Educator (MIE) since 2015. Member of the Editorial Committee and Arbitration of the REVECITEC Magazine. Ruth has worked for more than 9 years at a Technological-Educational level; she is the founder and CEO of Project DOCENTES 2.0 ® in GRUPO DOCENTES 2.0 C. A. In addition, it has extended the application of systemic theory to students, teachers and parents, among whom the benefits reach extraordinary levels. Its Teaching 2.0 project emerged in 2013, thanks to its assignments when it was specializing in Distance Education; really the purpose of this great project was to create an academic space, to produce and share knowledge about Education betting on the quality of learning. This educational space is designed to help the evolution of the traditional teacher, who currently has an outdated role vis-à-vis the advancement of technology in Education and learning. His first book is "Ser Coach Educativo" (2016), a document on the roots, development and fundamentals of coaching in the educational area. The second book: "Planificación Educativa Apoyada en Competencias", was published in (2017) as was "Diario Pedagógico". She is recognized as a tenacious, visionary and deeply committed researcher on education for life, as she points out that it is pertinent to remember that "Education must begin in the family, continue in school and be consolidated throughout life".

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