Analysis of Precautionary Measures Against Constitutional Jurisdiction in Ecuador DOI:

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Vernaza-Arroyo, G.


At the beginning of humanity, human beings have suffered a series of abuses, this is because they are caused by some type of violation of their rights, be it by private persons or public or private entities. In the Ecuadorian legal system, the methods of action and regulation of protection, as well as the precautionary measures have differences, in this way the procedure of how they are regulated in the constitution, looks a bit incoherent and the order of execution of precautionary measures are of constitutional jurisdiction. The purpose of this investigation was to know the specific processes and parameters for the processes of precautionary measures of constitutional jurisdiction, to protect the rights of the person without appealing a violation of this. For this research, an analytical, synthetic, deductive, and inductive method was performed with a mixed approach (quantitative and quality); An analysis of 5 cases taken from different processes in a certain time was carried out. The results obtained support that precautionary measures by nature constitute an important instrument and will allow the protection of the rights that are recognized in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador (2008) for this reason, precautionary measures play a double role, for a On the other hand, it is responsible for protecting the rights of people, on the other hand, the necessary ignorance in constitutional matters, the section of the legal system can cause severe damage to third parties.


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How to Cite
Vernaza-Arroyo, G. D. (2020). Analysis of Precautionary Measures Against Constitutional Jurisdiction in Ecuador. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 9(2), 32–38.

Citaciones del Artículo


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