Strategies for Evaluating Competencies in the Academic Performance of Psychology University Students DOI:

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Gantier-Aliaga, S.


Breaking with a traditional way of evaluating implies breaking structures, paradigms rooted in education. Higher education does not escape this; it must go from a simple theoretical evaluation to implement new ways of evaluating practically, making visible the application of what has been learned in the classroom. Besides, an efficient, effective, competent academic performance, responding to the National Educational System of the Holistic Model's guidelines to be, know, do, and decide. The present research aimed to determine the effectiveness of practice exams to improve academic performance. Training strategies with practical evaluation were proposed to two groups of the seventh grade of Psychology of Universidad San Francisco de Asís, of the morning and night shift, with different characteristics framed in a quasi-experimental approach comparative method allowing to see differences in both groups. Effective strategies are also evidenced; therefore, it is a mixed investigation, where both quantitative and qualitative results are obtained. The results allowed to compare in both groups, conditions, and characteristics to show if the strategies effectively or alter academic performance. These same findings raise new intervention and research challenges and the need for practical evaluations to improve academic performance effectively and competently. Every strategy is focused on the university student so that he can carry out practical assessments and at the same time improve his academic performance, demonstrating skills and abilities in addition to competencies that are considered based on the needs of the group.


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How to Cite
Gantier-Aliaga, S. F. (2021). Strategies for Evaluating Competencies in the Academic Performance of Psychology University Students. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 11(1), 5–10.
Author Biography

Gantier-Aliaga, S., San Francisco de Asís Private University - El Alto Academic Branch

Educator and Researcher experience in sexual and reproductive health at the CIES Education and Services Research Center from 2001 to 2014.
• Counselor in sexual and reproductive health, CIES branch Villa Fátima 2013 to 2014
• Coordinator of projectors, interim appointment for 15 days in 2010 and 2011
• CIES Manager interim appointment 2013
• President of the Quality Management and Continuous Quality Improvement Committee, CIES 2009 to 2014
• Consultancy in implementation, promotion and positioning of medical services CIES VILLA FATIMA Y TUMUSLA 2013, 2014.
• Consultancy in implementation, promotion and positioning of medical services CLINICA ERZENGEL EL ALTO 2015
• Therapist ACEQUIA Association, psychological clinic 2015
• Consultancy in implementation, promotion and positioning of medical services CENTRO DE FERTILIDAD ASSISTIDA CIUDAD DE EL ALTO.

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