Reverse Classroom from the Virtuality of the Metalworking Center for Technology Management and Good Training Practices DOI:

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Jiménez-Pitre, I.A.
González-Molina, J.
Cárdenas-Espinosa, R.


Faced with the confinement caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic, they were forced to change places in order to carry out activities, by rethinking their homework in class and the lesson at home, supported by technology, through virtual learning environments. The objective of this project was to apply the Inverse Classroom from the virtuality of the Metalworking Center in the Management of Technology with Good Training Practices. The methodology corresponds to a qualitative research with an empirical analytical approach, descriptive character of cross-section, developed in 4 phases Analysis, Design, Execution and Evaluation. In this way, he provided an informal vision, which allowed both the instructor and his apprentices to get closer to the reality, utility and applicability of the Technological Ecosystems worked from the E-Innova CMM Research Seedbed of the Metalworking Center, which They have been transferred to the University of Caldas, SENA Regional Caldas Trade and Services Center, University of La Guajira. The result obtained was to generate a scalable model, configurable with technology, use strategies, collaborative work, from the E-Innova Research Seed, GRICS Seed, GICEMET Research Groups, GRICS, ReNuevaTe Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, BIEMARC with the Universidad de Caldas Faculty of Engineering and the TECSIS research hotbed. It was possible to increase activity, meaningful learning, development of technological projects by students and encourage the use of digital educational resources by teachers.


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How to Cite
Jiménez-Pitre, I. A., González-Molina, J. F., & Cárdenas-Espinosa, R. D. (2020). Reverse Classroom from the Virtuality of the Metalworking Center for Technology Management and Good Training Practices. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 9(2), 59–70.
Author Biographies

Jiménez-Pitre, I.A., University of La Guajira  

Systems Engineer, PhD in Science and Technology Management, PhD, in Human Sciences, PhD in Science and Technology Project Management, Master in Educational Informatics, full-time professor at the University of La Guajira, attached to the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences - Engineer, active member of the BIEMARC research group categorized in A, Senior Researcher according to results of the SNCTeI call; President of the International Congress of Education, Technology and Science CIETyC of the University of La Guajira and Universidad San Juan de Argentina, Par National and international Evaluator of MEN at the Doctorate level, International Lecturer, Director of postgraduate theses. Publications in national and international indexed magazines, publication of books and book chapters. BIEMARC RESEARCH GROUP: Categorized in Colciencias at Level A

González-Molina, J., Universidad de Caldas

Business administrator. Master in Design, Management and Project Direction. Instructor of the SENA Regional Caldas Trade and Services Center.

Cárdenas-Espinosa, R., Universidad de Caldas

• Writer, Speaker and Researcher and Manager of Projects of Innovation, Technological Development and Research in Areas of Social, Solidarity and Governmental Economy, Financial Management, Electronic Engineering, Systems, Telecommunications.
• Instructor, teacher and designer of academic and technical content supported by Web 2.0 tools, on Atnova, Blackboard and Moodle platforms for virtual education.
• Manage and direct the financial destinations of any type of company to generate new spaces for economic growth, both publicly and privately.
• Evaluator of Labor Competencies in technical areas of my Domain.
• Manager of Research and Development Projects.
• Design, repair, program and put into operation, electronic systems in general, suggest reforms to them or to their facilities. Execute computer aided projects in the areas of control and instrumentation of processes, systems and telecommunications. Apply process control techniques and their respective mathematical analysis.
Specialties: Information Technology, Finance Management, Web 2.0, Project Management, Electronics, Industrial Automation, Public Management, Solidarity and Government Economics.

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