Use of Technology as a Preponderant Resource in Distance Learning in Times of Social Lock-Down DOI:

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Pineda-Castillo, K.


Today, a systemic-holistic educational model is continuously being worked on, which is constantly evolving. In this way, the present study had to understand how Learning and Knowledge Technologies (LKT) contributed to the preparation of high school students in the context of distance education throughout confinement for COVID-19. Used a qualitative approach was following the Constructivist Grounded Theory design. The results highlighted that the TAC favored the students experience in different ways; firstly, because the pedagogical strategies had a more significant impact on the teaching process since various situations were promoted, directing high schoolers to play an active role; second, technological resources allowed easy management of learning through different electronic-digital devices; finally, the use of technologies promoted the development of digital skills through constant interaction with applications, as well as with platforms used for formation purposes. Similarly, some research investigations related to the use of technology for educational environments entered the discussion. Among the main conclusions, the importance of maintaining sensitivity towards adolescents in their performance and acquisition of technological skills is underlined, especially when they are not familiar with knowledge management through these means. However, they were born in a digital or artificial intelligence era, the skills possessed by many of them have not reached an academic level.


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How to Cite
Pineda-Castillo, K. A. . (2021). Use of Technology as a Preponderant Resource in Distance Learning in Times of Social Lock-Down. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 11(1), 89–98.
Author Biography

Pineda-Castillo, K., College of Bachelors of the State of Sinaloa

He is a general high school teacher, he teaches English at COBAES 26 “Gral. Ángel Flores ”and COBAES 60“ Profra. Jesusita Neda ”from the Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sinaloa, México. Likewise, he has worked in language centers and at the higher level, in the public and private sectors, standing out at the Pedagogical University of the State of Sinaloa and the Autonomous University of the West. He has a Bachelor's Degree in English Language Teaching from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa and a Master's Degree in Teaching from the Autonomous University of the West. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Education at the Institute for Higher Studies in Competency Education. In addition, he has three diplomas in the area of ​​TAC, one in human rights for education and the other in teaching skills. Likewise, he has international certifications obtained through the University of Cambridge, Trinity College London, and the University of San Diego, which guarantee his level of proficiency in the English language. Also, he has accredited more than 2000 hours of training in the area of ​​education.

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