Inclusive Sports as an Alternative Life for Young People with Disabilities DOI:

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Garavito-Campillo, E.
Fernando-Kerguelen, J.


Every day we find that each person has barriers, but not limits. Disability becomes evident when obstacles are put in place. These, in turn, restrict the participation of people in all contexts; when it occurs in young people, it goes to the background because they are more robust; they make it an ally. In this research, we reflected on the physical limitations that some young people have had. A search was carried out for documents and worked around the term of inclusion, which generated qualitative research that aimed to analyze how inclusive sport strengthens the life stories of young people with disabilities in the department of Córdoba. The population was represented by 14 young people with intellectual, hearing, and physical disabilities, a sample of 7 young people who practice adapted sports was chosen. Then, carried out direct observation and a semi-structured interview to elaborate on the stories of life stories. The study evidenced the inclusive processes currently taking place in adapted sport, highlighting the different life stories of young people with disabilities. Finally, the analysis understood that the practice of adapted sports contributes to improving the quality of life by giving meaning to what they do, becoming increasingly more robust as a person.


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How to Cite
Garavito-Campillo, E. T., & Fernando-Kerguelen, J. (2021). Inclusive Sports as an Alternative Life for Young People with Disabilities. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 12(1), 12–21.

Citaciones del Artículo


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