Characterization of Computer Law: Teaching Influence and Academic Performance Focused from Unlawful Awareness DOI:

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Dr. Crespo-Berti, L.


This essay demanded an interpretive analysis derived from the Computer Law chair taught by its author in the tuition of the Law career inserted in the professional axis of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes, Ibarra extension of Ecuador. Its purpose was to support the scenario that contains the behavior of antisocials who use electronic, telematic, or computational means on purpose the so-called digital age due to the ubiquity of the connected world based on a dual syndemic factor that now represents more than the pandemic outbreak, the overwhelming opportunism of the so-called clans of the network due to the interactions that overflow and exacerbate the prognosis and criminal burden in the violation of the legal right protected by the laws not only local but also on the international board, such as the security of the assets of the information and communication systems as a response to the problem situation that is expanding at a dizzying speed from a didactic perspective immersed in the students. The reflection that combined the legal-pedagogical domain allowed enriching and strengthening with positions explicitly evaluated by opinions expressed made known about the real instructional administration of computer law as a subgeneric branch of legal sciences with emphasis on criminal matters.


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How to Cite
Crespo-Berti, L. A. (2021). Characterization of Computer Law: Teaching Influence and Academic Performance Focused from Unlawful Awareness. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 10(2), 21–29.
Author Biography

Dr. Crespo-Berti, L., Regional Autonomous University of the Andes, Ibarra-Ecuador extension

Luis Crespo, Web of science Id R. 8803-2019. Accredited as a national researcher by the SENESCYT of Ecuador with registration N ° INV-17-01842, he is currently a professor-principal researcher level III and research coordinator of the Faculty of Jurisprudence of the Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, extension Ibarra- Ecuador. By profession a marketer, methodologist, administrator and trinational lawyer EC-PE-VE (union member), he is also a professor of criminal law and methodologist. Specialist, Magister Scientiarum and Doctor of Legal Sciences, criminal mention (2001). From 2003 to 2020, he has served as professor-researcher, academic and research coordinator. Guest speaker-speaker in 19 lectures in the last two years in International Scientific Congresses, USA (3), PANAMÁ (2), PERÚ (2), ECUADOR (9), SPAIN (1) and VENEZUELA (2) (2016-2018 ). He has 53 publications indexed in international databases, including: Index Copernicus (ICI World of Journals), Google Scholar, BASE, Microsoft Academic, Web of Science, Scopus, SciELO. These include 9 books; 4 chapters of collective books, 3 essays; 1 macro research project executed (UCV-2014); 2 book review and; 34 items. His fields of research are: Current affairs in criminal law; behavioral and behavioral sciences, especially law and education. Most outstanding aspects of the research and teaching experience: Certified Online Learning Facilitator: Acropolis technology platform based on Moodle at the Doctoral level in Legal Sciences, Advisor, consultant and tutor of 936 research projects at national and international level, in postgraduate studies (doctorate, master, specialization and undergraduate) at numerous universities: UCBSP, BO / UNIACC, CH / ULADECH, PE / UNITEC, VE / UCV, VE / UCE, EC / UCAB, VE / UDLA, EC / PUCE, EC / UJMV , VE / USM, VE / CIU, CU / UIDE, EC / UNIANDES, EC / UNACHI, PA / UMET, EC / BUSINESS TECNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, USA / COMPLUTENSE, ES / USC, ES, among others, Expert trainer in standards and APA, Chicago and Vancouver style formats and Trainer in complex exam methodology, item designs (structured base tests).

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