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Guillermo Reynaldo Solórzano Hernánde


The Open Source Methodology is to implement a mix of different currents of teaching - learning from formality to new forms of digital education. Having as a central axis the combined Empowerment of the Student and the Teacher, and the use of Information Technology, it feeds on models such as the Invested Classroom, Competences and Online Education. This is concretized using games and dynamics play techniques to improve the atmosphere, sometimes restrictive of education; external field tours, leaving the classroom, the use of cultural elements and You Tube as accessories, humor and music in the room, associative learning, and fundamentally allowing that at the time of physical tests you can count on the academic tools, such as notebooks, notes, cell phones and books; with only one restriction, which consists of not sharing them with others. All these tools are formalized through the use of bibliographic references, checklist or control, checklist, observation guide, rubric or validation matrix, anecdotal record or logbooks and evidence portfolio.


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How to Cite
Solórzano Hernánde, G. R. (2019). Open Source Methodology. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 7(1), 33–46.

Citaciones del Artículo


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