Distance Learning Theories DOI: https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v13i2.293
Main Article Content
Throughout the history of distance learning, a large group of specialist researchers has provided this field with a conceptual, theoretical framework, which represents both them and scholars as an essential link in this process. Various contributions try to formulate a theoretical basis for distance learning that will be discussed in this article, presenting the most significant theoretical foundations that have been developed to date. The study was carried out to compile, analyze, and compare the fundamental theories that regulate distance learning based on documentary sources. This proposal was based on documentary research under the comparative method, hermeneutic paradigm, qualitative approach, informative-interpretive type, and biographical design. To carry out a comparative study of theories of distance learning under a qualitative direction. This research aimed to bring to light the advantages of each approach to make the most of it in our teaching task. After a comparative analysis of the exposed theories, it is noted that they all insist on the combination of three fundamental axes to carry out distance learning: the student, the teacher, and the resources. Applying these theories in our teaching work will provide a higher quality of teaching-learning and will mark the way towards online teaching based on solid foundations.
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