Financial Education for Citizens: Challenges and Prospects in the Chilean Context DOI:

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Álvarez-Sepúlveda, H. A.


Financial education in Chile plays a fundamental role in the citizenship education of students; however, most young Chileans lack the basic skills to plan their spending, save effectively or invest wisely. In addition, the lack of access to educational resources and socioeconomic inequality further hinder learning and the equitable implementation of financial education in the country. The present essay was conducted under the inductive method, humanistic paradigm, with qualitative approach, interpretative type, and topical narrative design. The objective was to examine the strategic value of financial education in the citizenship education of students and its challenges in the Chilean context. In this line, the relevance of financial education for the formation of responsible and sustainable citizens, the presence of the area in the Chilean curriculum and its pending challenges were analyzed. In conclusion, it was suggested to lead complementary studies to go deeper into the subject and it was insisted on the urgency of addressing financial education transversally in all the subjects that make up the Chilean curriculum and to promote the permanent training of teachers in this educational area.


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Álvarez-Sepúlveda, H. A. (2024). Financial Education for Citizens: Challenges and Prospects in the Chilean Context. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 17(1), 18–24.

Citaciones del Artículo


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