The pedagogy of the image to promote meaningful learning within the classroom DOI:

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Guillen Grecia


Image Pedagogy (IP) is proposed as the most suitable way to promote meaningful learning within the classroom. The elements that underpinned this proposal arise from field research, of a descriptive nature. The participating group was made up of 5 teachers assigned to the Chair of Environmental Education (EA) of the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas (IPC). The data collection techniques and tools were: a) the survey for diagnosis and feasibility accompanied by the questionnaire and (b) the observation and the questionnaire for the validation of the strategies designed. The results were analyzed from descriptive statistics, concluding that: (a)Teachers intuitively use IP but do not have a theoretical foundation that allows its effective application and (b) the proposal meets the pedagogical criteria for its future application, which is why its implementation is recommended by teachers who aspire to respond to the demands of today’s society.


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How to Cite
Guillen, G. (2020). The pedagogy of the image to promote meaningful learning within the classroom. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 9(1), 96–108.
Author Biography

Guillen Grecia, Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University - Pedagogical Institute of Caracas

Biology teacher, with 12 years of experience in secondary education. UPEL-IPC plant teacher, attached to the Teaching Practices Department. Master in Environmental Education. Research Interest directed towards Visual Communication Skills and E-learning as an educational goal within the knowledge society.

Citaciones del Artículo


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