Technoemotional Teaching in the Education of the XXI Century DOI:

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Mujica-Sequera, R.


Today, society demands that teachers have skills and be digitally literate to exercise a pedagogical practice that supports meaningful learning for 21st century students. Today's society has had a strong integration of technology in all areas of life, which has allowed man to have access to an extensive amount of information from anywhere in the world. The generations of the 21st century is under the influence of technology, which implies that the training teachers of the 20th century have had to unlearn to enrich their pedagogical practice supported by technology. The present study arose from the need to create classrooms that support the needs of the students, among them, the motivation to learn to learn, such as the effects that technology has on them. It was a quantitative methodological research, the purpose of this was to explain social reality from an objective perspective to create pedagogical plans to improve Technological-Educational instruction. The research was completed on the Technological-Educational Docentes 2.0 platform, with a population of 369 student-teachers. Surveys were carried out to evaluate the knowledge and motivation of the population under study, as well as the revision of classroom planning. Therefore, the results revealed that student-teachers were motivated using technology in the classroom, which drives the strengthening of teachers worldwide supported by Learning and Knowledge Technologies (TAC).


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How to Cite
Mujica-Sequera, R. M. (2020). Technoemotional Teaching in the Education of the XXI Century. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 9(2), 71–78.
Author Biography

Mujica-Sequera, R., Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A.

Ruth Mujica is Venezuelan and has resided in the Middle East since 2011. She studied Industrial Engineering and Systems Engineering (Cum Laude). Graduate Work: Honorable Mention. She has a Master's Degree in University Teaching (Summa Cum Laude) Degree Work: Honorable Mention and Master's Degree in Software Engineering, with a University Teaching Specialization (Summa Cum Laude) and Doctorate in Educational Technology. Currently, she is a Post-doctorate in Sciences and a Ph.D. candidate in Management. She is an Educational Coach, a systemic therapist in Neurolinguistic Programming, Transpersonal Psychology, applied in the educational field, and a Microsoft Certified Innovative Educator (MIE) since 2015. Chief Director of the Teaching Journals 2.0 of the Grupo Docentes 2.0 C.A. and from REVECITEC of the Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín University known as URBE until 2020. Ruth has worked for more than 10 years at the Technological-Educational level; She is the Founder and CEO of the DOCENTES 2.0 ® Project at GRUPO DOCENTES 2.0 C. A. She is the National Ambassador of Venezuela recognized by ReviewerCredits. In addition, it has extended the application of systemic theory to students, teachers, and parents, among those who receive the benefits of extraordinary levels. Her Teaching 2.0 project emerged in 2013, thanks to her assignments when she was studying the specialization in Distance Education; Actually, the purpose of this great project was to create an academic space, to produce and share knowledge about Education, betting on the quality of learning. This educational space is designed to help the evolution of the traditional teacher, who currently has an outdated role against the advancement of technology in education and learning. To date, she has a little more than 1,600 technological-educational articles of her authority, 47 publications in an indexed journal, 4 published books, and has received in the review of more than 90 scientific articles in the process by peers. She is recognized as a tenacious, visionary researcher and deeply committed to education for life, as she points out that it is pertinent to remember that "Education must begin in the family, continue in school and consolidate throughout life".

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