Digital Pedagogical Accompaniment for Teachers DOI:

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Dra. Zeballos, M.


One of the demands assigned to teachers is to change their practices as it is a necessity of the digital age. For this reason, it is essential to distance yourself from educational practice, analyze it in each of its dimensions, therefore, in this way discover its meaning in order to make interpretations from different angles. The project aimed to rethink the teaching practices mediated by Learning and Knowledge Technologies (TAC) from the implementation of the teacher support program in the digital age. Guided professional development through follow-up activities included collaborative work between tutors and colleagues with the goal of improving their practice. The facilitation model had as a learning center, teachers considered as autonomous professionals with the ability to modify their practice. The qualitative approach was used to perform an inductive analysis of the different data collected. The results obtained from different data collection strategies showed beliefs, experiences, resistance, knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses that teachers possessed when integrating educational technologies in the classroom. Regarding the conclusions drawn, it can be expressed that despite the benefits that the implementation of technologies in education brings, some teachers fear the arrival of new digital tools because they consider that they can displace them from their work. The attitude of teachers towards the integration of educational technologies posed a challenge regarding the paradigm shift in their professional culture.


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How to Cite
Zeballos, M. (2020). Digital Pedagogical Accompaniment for Teachers. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 9(2), 192–203.
Author Biography

Dra. Zeballos, M., Higher Institute of Teacher Training

PhD in Educational Research and Innovation from the University of Malaga (2006), Master in Management of Educational Projects from the CAECE University. Bs As 2003. Postgraduate in Distance Education from UNED, 2005. Madrid. Bachelor of Educational Management. CAECE University, 2000. BS AS.
She has 26 years of teaching, teaching at different educational levels: Initial, primary, secondary and university.
Author of the book "Experiences of pedagogical innovation in teacher training: Information that becomes knowledge for participation." (2019). ISBN; 978-613-9-4668-1
Professor of Educational Sciences at the ISFD Pcia de Buenos Aires in the following subjects: Didactics, Pedagogy, Philosophy, Teaching Practice, Ethics and Sociology of Education. She has taught at the following universities; CAECE and the National Technological University for subjects such as: Pedagogy, Research Methodology and Curriculum.
She has created and directed several projects related to technologies and teacher training. She published in various scientific education magazines on the following topics: Tic and teacher training, socio-emotional skills and tic, accompaniment to beginning teachers. Lecturer at education conferences organized by the University of Seville, University of Malaga, University of Buenos Aires Virtual Educa (Argentina and Peru), Tecnológico Monterrey and the University of Peru.

Citaciones del Artículo


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