Training for Peace and Coexistence: Mediation and the Transformation of School Conflicts DOI:

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Gélvez-López, A.
Cárdenas-Caballero , M.


The concepts of peace, coexistence, conflict have taken on in some social settings, including the educational one, an indiscriminate use, disuse, and implementation. For this reason, the research work conciliation tables were a proposal for the formation of peace and coexistence, from the mediation and transformation of conflicts, it was born by observing the handling of disputes by students of grade 701 (17 girls, 23 children) belonging to the Monsignor Jaime Prieto Amaya educational institution. The objective developed and achieved consisted of analyzing the importance of the conciliation tables as a pedagogical strategy for the mediation of conflicts, training in peace, and coexistence from conflict transformation theory. A qualitative methodology was used, with an action research approach that will download the necessary information to identify the notions of the critical concepts of the work, propose, design, and execute the strategy of the conciliation tables. As the process results are conducted in the students, in any conflict situation, they developed a conciliation table to understand the real reasons for the positions of the events and establish themselves, the mechanisms of resolution and non-repetition. In this sense, the conciliation and conflict transformation tables' proposal are a natural and concrete bet for the construction of direct peace. Children and young people discover, learn, and transmit a way to regulate conflicts in a non-violent way and reinforce their integral formation.


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How to Cite
Gélvez-López, A., & Cárdenas-Caballero , M. E. . (2021). Training for Peace and Coexistence: Mediation and the Transformation of School Conflicts. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 11(1), 99–109.
Author Biographies

Gélvez-López, A., University of Pamplona

Aurora Gelvez López has a degree in Economic and Social Sciences; She is a specialist in political culture and education; Magister in peace, development and conflict resolution. All her studies are carried out at the University of Pamplona, Colombia.

She currently works as a higher education teacher at the University of Pamplona, she has 16 years of teaching experience in higher education.

Cárdenas-Caballero , M., University of Pamplona

Mario Enrique Cárdenas Caballero is a teacher by vocation and a faithful believer that the comprehensive training of children and adolescents in attitudes and values that consolidate them as citizens of the world is a non-negotiable pillar within educational systems. Before any profession that pigeonholes being, we are human beings and we must bet on the construction of a citizenship that thinks about the common good for all without exception of thought, creed, sex or culture.

He has 10 years of experience as a teacher, he has a degree in Religious School Education from the University of La Salle, Colombia. He is currently finishing his master's studies in education at the University of Pamplona, Colombia. He currently works as a teacher-director in a public institution.

Citaciones del Artículo


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