ICT-mediated technological ecosystems from virtuality for formative research in context DOI: https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v7i2.21
Main Article Content
The average Technological Ecosystems for Information and Communication Technologies for Applied Research and Innovation, knowledge management generator in the SENNOVA Metalworking Center and Agroindustrial Center projects, the Bio-Lodge programs of the University of La Guajira and the Technological programs of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Caldas, applying B-Learning through the PACIE Model (Presence, Outreach, Training, Interaction and E-Learning) through the E-InnovaCMM Research Seedbeds of the Metal District Mechanical District Center. The materials and tools used are digital educational resources such as Edublosgs, Wiki, Videos, educational guides, Empathy Map, Use Scenarios, RAE, among others. The dissemination of products such as Book chapters, Scientific Articles, Multimedia, Virtual and Audio Digital Educational Resources, which have served as a model for structuring-transfer of technological technologies for the structuring of applied research and innovation projects has been made applying logical framework methodology, structuring and dissemination through scientific poster and article from the Seedbeds of the ReNueva-Te Science, Technology and Innovation research groups of the University of Caldas, GICEMET of the SENA Metalworking Center and BIEMARC of the University of the Guajira and consolidate the scientific production in other Training Centers of the Capital District and Quindío Region. The result is the development of Digital Educational Resources that have facilitated the significant learning of apprentices linked to research and innovation seedbeds. The results of the project were the design of functional prototypes and feasible project initiatives to become enterprises that contribute to local and regional development, the generation of tacit knowledge explicitly within SEN-NOVA, strengthening the 117 research groups to national level, the Strengthening of the R + D + I capabilities of the entity through the social appropriation of knowledge of the scientific and academic production developed within the research groups and the development of an institutional platform that allows access to SENNOVA's institutional memory of the last 5 years.
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