Organizational Culture in Public Administration DOI:

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Dr. Millán-Gómez, M.A.


Local public institutions are immersed in a competitive environment; they test their internal and external environments. They must also constitute an institutional platform to implement public policies in response to the general interests of societies. This study was carried out to demonstrate intervention and research challenges in public administrations to document strategies, solve structural, functional, systemic problems, and strengthen their capacities through decisions that provide certainty to their collaborators. A combination approach of qualitative and quantitative interpretative analysis was used, applying diachronic, systematic, synchronous, structural methods to understand the role of the thinking of its protagonists. For this, social knowledge is deployed in the research archetype in public spheres. Their results showed that the intentions of professionalization were considered by governments as intricate long-term efforts, without benefits, entailing concrete short-term costs with long-term benefits. From the above, managers observed a reduction of flexibility to manage personnel under the principles of autonomy in this edge. On the other hand, second-line administrators expressed uncertainty about their permanence in the organizations. The professional profile does not guarantee a work stay; this scenario weakened the principles of consolidating institutional development. At the country level, 55 percent of local institutions do not have internal regulations. It means that managing knowledge tends to develop an organization in generating competitive attributes; it leads to building an organizational culture.


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How to Cite
Millán-Gómez, M. Ángel. (2021). Organizational Culture in Public Administration. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 11(2), 5–18.
Author Biography

Dr. Millán-Gómez, M.A., Pan American Center for Higher Education University, UNICEPES

Doctor. in Administration from the Instituto de Estudios Superiores; Post-doctor in Sciences from the Universidad Centro Panamericano de Estudios Superiores; Master's Degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Financial Management from the Universidad Interamericana para el Desarrollo. Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
Specialist in public administration management, his professional contributions: He designed the public investment policies of the State of Mexico. Operated the Tax Coordination of the State of Mexico and municipalities. Designed the Logarithm for the distribution of the State Fund for Municipal Strengthening, under the Risk Theory. Coordinated the training and professionalization programs in public finance. Coordinated the research program on tax studies and the edition of the magazine "Foro Hacendario" numbers 52 and 53.
Lecturer on federalism, design and evaluation of public policies. Instructor in continuing education at the Universidad del Valle de Toluca; Universidad del Valle de México; Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México; Universidad Autónoma Chapingo and the Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles del Estado de México, A.C. Research consultant for governmental institutions in public policy evaluation. Has produced 82 research reports.

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Citaciones del Artículo


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