Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Methodology applied to the Teaching and Learning Process of Natural Sciences DOI:

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Argüello-Guevara, J.


Globalization and the emergence of the technological era have generated changes in the most demanding trades and professions worldwide. Some have disappeared, and other new ones arise; in addition, society's problems require integral and not partial solutions, according to the areas of knowledge. The objective that guided this research was to analyze the incidence of STEM in the teaching-learning process in the natural sciences of students in the fifth year of elementary school. For this purpose, action research with a qualitative approach was developed in four phases: planning, action, observation, reflection. Learning in natural sciences under STEM methodology was limited to fifth-grade teachers and students of the public Santo Ángel Educational Institution in Bucaramanga, Colombia. For this purpose, was chosen a sample of 10 key informants, widely knowledgeable, directly related to the research, distributed in this way, one teacher director, four classroom teachers, and five students. As a result, when applying STEM as a natural science learning methodology, the students achieved good adaptability and acceptance to the work system and a significant improvement in their performance in the subject. In conclusion, the STEM approach showed overall effectiveness in the teaching-learning process of natural sciences through interdisciplinary activities.


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How to Cite
Argüello-Guevara, J. V. (2021). Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Methodology applied to the Teaching and Learning Process of Natural Sciences. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 12(1), 61–70.

Citaciones del Artículo


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