Evaluation of competences at the end of the course: introduction to basic multidisciplinary programming with a problem-solving approach, for new students at the higher level DOI: https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v7i2.7

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Eugenio Borboa-Acosta
Jorge David Gutiérrez-Cota
Eliel Eduardo Montijo-Valenzuela
Darío Soto-Patrón
Efrén Sámano-Hermosillo
Esthela Fernanda Torres-Amavizca


Programming is the interpretation of a computer, of the activities, the form and the order in which these activities must be executed, previously introduced by a programmer. The implementation of programming is of utmost importance at all levels and sectors, we can find it in common devices such as smartphones, or even in more specialized applications such as robot programming in the automotive industry. In this research, an analysis of the skills acquired in the area of ??programming is carried out, with a total of 37 new students entering the Technological Institute of Hermosillo, with profiles in the area of ??mechanical engineering, mechatronics, computer systems, biomedical, aeronautics , industrial, electrical and electronic. The methodology used was to start with the definition of concepts used in programming, then exercises were performed using algorithms and flowcharts, ending with pseudocode and program execution with PSeInt. During the learning, problems were analyzed with a focus on the profiles of new students, as well as the possible solutions of each of them. As a result, an analysis of the skills acquired by the participants at the end of the course was obtained.



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How to Cite
Borboa-Acosta, E., Gutiérrez-Cota, J. D., Montijo-Valenzuela, E. E., Soto-Patrón, D., Sámano-Hermosillo, E., & Torres-Amavizca, E. F. (2019). Evaluation of competences at the end of the course: introduction to basic multidisciplinary programming with a problem-solving approach, for new students at the higher level. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 7(2), 15–26. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v7i2.7

Citaciones del Artículo


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