Learning styles, strategic management and tic tools. A triad for knowledge management DOI: https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v7i2.76

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Iris Agustina Jiménez Pitre
Segrith Ospino González


The objective of this research was to propose a model of Strategic Knowledge Management (GEC) based on ICT tools according to the theories of Ned Herrmann. The research was descriptive, not experimental-transectional, of field, with a population of 106 teachers and directors of educational institutions of Riohacha; an instrument with 48 items and five alternative answers was applied; the reliability determined by the Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient (GEC = 0.80 / TIC = 0.81). The results that the GEC showed, in the strategic component in a high category. Greater strengths were observed in the aspects of supervision and leadership; the learning styles that will be assumed in the application of TIC tools, greater focus was determined with the left cortical learning style. The types of TIC tools were valued in a moderate category. In relation to forming the GEC model, aligned proposals were structured.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Pitre , I. A. ., & Ospino González , S. . (2019). Learning styles, strategic management and tic tools. A triad for knowledge management. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 7(2), 150–159. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v7i2.76
Author Biographies

Iris Agustina Jiménez Pitre , University of La Guajira - Colombia

Systems Engineer, PhD in Science and Technology Management, PhD, in Human Sciences, PhD in Science and Technology Project Management, Master in Educational Informatics, teacher at the University of La Guajira, attached to the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences - Engineer, active member of the BIEMARC research group categorized in A, Senior Researcher according to results of the SNCTeI call; President of the International Congress of Education, Technology and Science CIETyC of the University of La Guajira and Universidad San Juan de Argentina, Par National and international evaluator of the MEN at the Doctorate level, International speaker, Director of postgraduate thesis. Publications in national and international indexed journals, publication of books and book chapters.

Segrith Ospino González , University of La Guajira - Colombia

Bachelor of Science in Education, Biology and Chemistry specialty, Computer Specialist for Teaching, Doctor of Science, Mention Management, Teaching Director of Basic and Middle Education MEN, former Secretary of Education and Social Development of the Special Tourism and Cultural District of Riohacha . Research professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of La Guajira. Active member of the EDUCARÉ research group

Citaciones del Artículo


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