Technology and Teaching Located DOI:

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Resa Myriam M.


The deployment that technology has had since the middle of the last century has generated new ways of understanding education and innovative ways of developing it. The increase of an academically more restless population, together with the impact of ICTs in the world, has led to the emergence and development of renewed models of instruction that are fostering new challenges and challenges in an educational environment, which has never been characterized by speed in the implementation of innovations.


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How to Cite
Resa López, M. . (2020). Technology and Teaching Located. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 8(1), 33–40.
Author Biography

Resa Myriam M., University of the Valley Valley Traducciones de valley SustantivoFrecuencia elvalle valley, vale, dale Definiciones de valley Sustantivo 1 a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it. Between these towns, farmers who had been recruited by seigneurial landowners filled the fertile river valley lands. Sinónimos: dalevalehollowbasingullygorgeravinecouleetroughcanyonriftglendell 2 an internal angle formed by the intersecting planes of a roof, or by the slope of a roof and a wall. One of the valleys in the church roof needs repairs immediately. Sinónimos de valley Sustantivo dalevalehollowbasingullygorgeravinecouleetroughcanyonriftglendell vale

Director of Planning, Institutional Evaluation and Accreditation.

Citaciones del Artículo


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