The information that is transformed into knowledge for participation: ICT, CT and PET in teacher training DOI:

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Karina Pollier
Marcela Zeballos


In this communication, an experience developed in the Curricular Space, Field of Teaching Practice I of Primary School Teachers is presented. This subject has as its axis “Educating City” From 2015 to 2018, students participated in a blog designed for the Curriculum Space whose name is “Innovate in the classroom”. In addition, the curricular space has a virtual classroom to socialize the experience lived in different socio-cultural organizations of the community. It is sought that the use of these pedagogical tools allows students to collaboratively build knowledge. The proposal is based on the approach to diversity, disability, inclusion and integration, while the methodological approach mediated by education technology offers the pedagogical possibility for students to make a social experience in different institutions of the community belonging to the province of Buenos Aires. This project allowed a space for: participation and critical reflection, the diversity of ideas inside and outside the classroom, improve writing techniques and concentrated their efforts on narration, that students become aware of the responsibility as authors of their interventions, the development of curiosity towards lifelong learning and increased interaction from the use of educational technologies


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How to Cite
Pollier, K., & Zeballos , M. (2019). The information that is transformed into knowledge for participation: ICT, CT and PET in teacher training. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 7(2), 33–44.

Citaciones del Artículo


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