Effect of Physical Activity and Hippocampal Learning Performance DOI: https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v11i1.191

Main Article Content

Almarales-Sanabria, J.


The lifestyle of man has been characterized since inception by the different manifestations of physical activity in their daily work. A reference to contextualize the importance of it in the university environment is to contrast the variables of harmful behaviors such as inappropriate study habits and low capacity for understanding in academic settings as factors that affect academic performance by students. The objective of this work described the effect of physical activity as hippocampal behavior associated with a theoretical account in university students from faculties of material culture, sports, recreation, Bucaramanga section. This study was designed with a quasi-experimental emphasis as a one-month intervention protocol through interactive digital platforms Microsoft teams, in conjunction with specialized software (MATLAB). A numerical computing system gave rise to an Integrated development environment with its programming language, adaptable to other platforms such as Windows. On this occasion, 57 healthy participants developed, through a series of codes, different evaluable patterns, the measurement of hippocampal-dependent learning abilities in a visual search task "T," in correlation with the effect of activity variables. Physics is regulated with its high oxygen demand at the physiological or cerebral level.


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How to Cite
Almarales-Sanabria, J. D. (2021). Effect of Physical Activity and Hippocampal Learning Performance. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 11(1), 62–67. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v11i1.191
Author Biography

Almarales-Sanabria, J., Institute of youth, sports and recreation of Bucaramanga.

Currently I am finishing the academic program Magister in Education at the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, I am a professional in physical culture, sports and recreation at the Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga section. Among my academic distinctions I obtained the honorary diploma Cum Laude, a plaque in recognition of academic excellence by high weighted average and scholarships throughout my career. My fields of action include: physical-sports, health, aesthetic, pedagogical, administrative, recreational and research and I can develop as a teacher - pedagogue, health and sports promoter, as well as through physical activity and its various roles in the related administrative area. In my complementary and curricular formation I worked as a Higher Normalist with emphasis in education and pedagogy, I am passionate about teaching and its technological application in higher education, for this reason I have worked as a teacher for three years at a working level in sports institutes and programs such as schools of formation, healthy habits and lifestyles, high performance training through biomechanical software, stress tests, methodological design and patterns in different population groups. Finally, it is worth mentioning that I am a young researcher in the division of health sciences and research through ICT.

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