Metacognition and Immersive Digital Disruption in ICT from Digital Natives DOI:

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Crespo-Berti, L.A.


The scientific problem stems from the trends brought about by the so-called digital natives that fall on adolescents due to the dominance of electronic media among peers, friends, or acquaintances. The objective was to analyze from the dual focus of the behavioral a theoretical approach of how adolescents who have been attributed the name of digital natives are linked to technology in constructing their ideas expressed among their peers. The assumed paradigm was the Humanist in correspondence with the qualitative approach since it was characteristic of being of an interpretive type and with a topical narrative design. The data show that the factual situation of adolescents takes place in a framework of sure normality with the corresponding delay that implies the loss of time in the little use of non-formal knowledge in the use of technologies. Acceptance of the parents is inferred with an inevitable resignation for the state that leads their children to such fateful roots, even when in some justified way, due to what could be called socialization among peers. Finally, a modeled metacognitive episode was provided to develop new neural connections that allow juveniles to be familiarly understood in correspondence with their educational environment.


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Crespo-Berti, L. A. (2022). Metacognition and Immersive Digital Disruption in ICT from Digital Natives. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 14(2), 48–56.

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