Educational Models for the Teaching of History in Basic Education DOI:

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Mancillas-Castillo, I.


In teaching history, it has been possible to discover that the educational model that uses only the mere transmission of information and the memorization of data and characters is a failure since the students have not shown that, starting from this, they have communication skills. Reasoning and understanding lead them to generate knowledge. This essay is framed under the deductive method in the humanist paradigm, with a qualitative descriptive approach and a topical narrative design. The objective of the study is to describe the traditional teaching method and the constructivist teaching method in the history subject, establishing their advantages and disadvantages, verifying how the constructivist method, through the assimilation and generation of their judgments in the students, generates the learning of the history, favoring the analysis of the facts allowing to understand and compare current events giving rise to criticism.


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How to Cite
Mancillas-Castillo, I. (2023). Educational Models for the Teaching of History in Basic Education. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 16(2), 126–131.

Citaciones del Artículo


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