Abc of the doctoral thesis with a proactive competence approach DOI:

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Luis Andrés Crespo Berti


This article aimed to examine what is happening today in university research and its connection with the processes of qualification through the preparation of doctoral thesis work as a new form of social research didactic that invites their differentiation. Faced with this perspective, the general objective focused on examining theoretical-practical budgets for the development of proactive competences in the institutional procedures of tutorials of doctoral students of the fourth level of formal studies. The validation criteria are closely related to the research processes of academic degree according to the regulations of each university. The methodology tested in the topic was of an exploratory type, making it broad and unfinished, because it aimed to give a general view of a certain reality with respect to research in the university (tutor-tutored). In this purpose, the qualitative method is required and ordinarily the method of the logic of structures (university) and its actors (academic organization, teachers, students) for the interpretation of reality. As a result, it was necessary to implement a suitable dynamic in the establishment of expedited local development processes under the strictest standards generally accepted by the university community, basically in the region with a secondary projection towards Latin America and the Caribbean. The main conclusion is empowering in the socialization of a scale for the viability of an investigation in university grounds.


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How to Cite
Crespo Berti, L. A. (2019). Abc of the doctoral thesis with a proactive competence approach. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 7(2), 5–14.
Author Biography

Luis Andrés Crespo Berti, Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes, extensión Ibarra-Ecuador

Main level III teacher-researcher and research coordinator of the faculty of jurisprudence of the Regional Autonomous University of the Andes, Ibarra extension. Dr. PhD in Legal Sciences, Criminal Mention. National Researcher Accredited by SENESCYT of Ecuador, Reg. N ° REG-INV-17-01842. ORCID ID: By profession Marketer, methodologist, administrator and trinational lawyer EC-PE-VE (member), he is also a penal professor and methodologist. Specialist, Magister Scientiarum and doctor of Legal Sciences, criminal mention (2001). From 2003 to 2019, he has worked as a professor-researcher, academic and research coordinator. Guest speaker-speaker at 13 magistrates in these last two years at International Scientific Congresses, USA (3), PANAMA (2), PERU (2) , ECUADOR (3), SPAIN (1) and VENEZUELA (2) (2016-2018). It has 40 publications indexed in international databases, among which are: Web of Science, Scopus and SciELO. Among them are 7 books; 4 chapters of collective books, 3 essays; 1 research macro executed (UCV-2014); 1 book review and; 24 articles. His research fields are: Current criminal law; behavioral and behavioral sciences, especially in law and education. Most outstanding aspects of the research and teaching experience: - Certified Online Learning Facilitator: Moodle Platform and Acropolis at Doctoral level in Legal Sciences.- Advisor, consultant and tutor of 936 research projects at national and international level, in postgraduate (doctorate, masters, specialization and undergraduate) in numerous universities: UCBSP, BO / UNIACC, CH / ULADECH, PE / UNITEC, VE / UCV, VE / UCE, EC / UCAB , VE / UDLA, EC / PUCE, EC / UJMV, VE / USM, VE / CIU, CU / UIDE, EC / UNIANDES, EC / UNACHI, PA / UMET, EC / BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, USA / COMPLUTENSE, ES / USC, ES, among others.- Expert trainer in standards and APA style formats, Chicago and Vancouver.- Trainer in the methodology of reagent designs (structured based tests).

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