Inclusive Education and ICT: Assistive Technologies for People with Sensory Disabilities DOI:

Main Article Content

Delgado-Ramirez, J.
Valarezo-Castro, J.
Acosta-Yela, M.
Samaniego-Ocampo, R.


The use of technology within the educational space plays a vital role in developing innovative teaching materials or resources. Despite the significant changes that technology has with it, it is possible to question the fiscal, educational institutions of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education, where the lack of knowledge regarding the use of digital educational resources in the inclusion of people with sensory disabilities is still evident. Thus, this research originated the integration of ICT information and communication technologies as a didactic resource in the communication and teaching-learning processes generated in the educational community. The research process used the mixed approach, where 35 teachers from different educational institutions participated, who were applied as instruments based on the LIKERT scale survey, an-interview, and direct observation and bibliographic review. A diversity of technological resources that can use in educational inclusion processes was evidenced among the results obtained. We can mention digital pictograms, infographics, and mobile applications, strengthening the communication and teaching-learning process of the academic community. Consequently, it can assert that incorporating technologies in educational communities supports the teaching-learning operations and makes the educational inclusion processes more widespread.


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How to Cite
Delgado-Ramirez, J. C., Valarezo-Castro, J. W., Acosta-Yela, M. T., & Samaniego-Ocampo, R. D. L. (2021). Inclusive Education and ICT: Assistive Technologies for People with Sensory Disabilities. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 11(1), 146–153.
Author Biography

Delgado-Ramirez, J., Technical University of Machala

Jorge Cristopher Delgado, is Ecuadorian and has lived in the Machala Canton - El Oro - Ecuador for 33 years. His undergraduate study was carried out at the Technical University of Machala, to later carry out his Postgraduate studies at the Casa Grande University in the city of Guayaquil. He has been a professor of basic general education at the levels of initial, intermediate, superior and high school teaching the subject of computer science since 2009, currently he is an occasional full-time teacher at the Technical University of Machala teaching the chair of Educational Technology to different careers of the Faculty of Social Sciences, to this it can be mentioned that he has participated as a manager of community service projects since the university connection. His professional arrival in higher education opened several paths, including entering the field of research of which he already has results in internationally recognized journals, he is also a mentor of the research group in pedagogy and educational technology GIPTEDU, which has been a very challenging personal challenge today.

Citaciones del Artículo


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