Educational Robotics: A new interactive and sustainable learning environment in basic education DOI:

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Hisbelis Vargas
Rosillón-Olivares K.
Kelvin Garcia
Maryory Arrieta
Arianna Tancredi
Simón Bravo
Eduardo Toro
Bárbara Ordoñez
Geryk Núñez
Ernesto Urdaneta
José Luis Villarreal
José Mejías
Rocelia Rodríguez


The main objective of this research was to develop a new inter-active and sustainable learning environment, robotics for children in basic education and day in the state of Zulia, Venezuela. It was supported by authors such as [1], [4], [5], [6] and [10] in areas such as robotics education, as well as electronics, respectively. At the methodological level, the research was of an applied, non-experimental and field type. The population and the sample were classified by the children / young people of the basic levels in the public and private educational centers of the Zulia state. Among the techniques employed there is documentary observation, as well as direct observation. The instruments used were the block of notes, as well as the spreadsheets. Some tools were software for help with the interaction in children / youth. The results of the research are oriented in the new cognitive development in the small ones of the house in terms of modern methodologies for learning in an interactive way about robotics, electronics, mechanics can be consolidated through video games, prototypes This is an audiovisual product for your notion. This is, in the future, perseverance, creativity and skills in infants.


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How to Cite
Vargas, . H., Rosillón-Olivares, . K., Garcia, K., Arrieta, M., Tancredi, A., Bravo, S., Toro , E., Ordoñez, B., Núñez, G., Urdaneta, . E., Villarreal, J. L., Mejías, J., & Rodríguez, R. (2019). Educational Robotics: A new interactive and sustainable learning environment in basic education. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 7(1), 51–64.

Citaciones del Artículo


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