Scientific Society of Students in Private University: For the Promotion of Scientific Research DOI:

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Dr. Landaeta-Mendoza, C. J.


Every scientific society formed by students from private universities should be a research promoter. The objective of the present study was to identify the characteristics and importance of research groups of students from private universities. The positivist paradigm, deductive method, quantitative approach, non-experimental design, descriptive type, and cross-sectional research methodology were used in this work. Electronic surveys were applied, and a non-probabilistic sample was used. Among the most relevant findings, we have that students consider the training processes in research-related topics to be primordial; they also express the importance of the publication of systematic articles by the student population. It is concluded that in La Paz, there are few or nonexistent scientific societies in the framework of private higher education, which are an opportunity to create professional and inter-institutional links that support knowledge management. It is advisable to finance initiatives that support students with easy and practical exploration processes so that they receive permanent guidance from research institutions.


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How to Cite
Landaeta-Mendoza, C. J. (2024). Scientific Society of Students in Private University: For the Promotion of Scientific Research. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 17(1), 304–309.
Author Biography

Dr. Landaeta-Mendoza, C. J., Universidad Privada San Francisco de Asís

Carlos Landaeta, Regional Vice President of the El Alto Academic Branch, San Francisco de Asís Private University. Degree in Psychology, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Specialty in research, complexity and transdisciplinarity, Master's in Higher Education, Doctorate in Education with a Focus on Complexity and Transdisciplinary Research, Diploma in Scientific Research, executive committee of the Bolivian University, Diploma in complexity and transdisciplinarity, Diploma in Teacher Training from transdisciplinary complexity, Diploma in Educational Psychology - Case Supervision, Diploma in Higher Education, Diploma in "Intervention for Victims of abuse, Domestic violence and child sexual abuse", Diploma in Counseling and Counseling of Couples, International Diploma in "Theory and Method of Cognitive - Behavioral Psychology (Educational and Clinical Terminal Areas). His work experience: teacher, tutor, Coordinator of the Sociocultural Animation Sub-program, Member of the court for the defense of degree, Academic Director of the San Francisco de Asís Private University - El Alto and Regional Vice Chancellor of the El Alto Academic Sub-headquarters, Private University San Francisco de Asís and Research team in charge of the production and elaboration of articles. Acknowledgments: For the contribution made to the “Cotahuma violence-free” Macro District Social Network, for having contributed to the construction of a society with the full exercise of human rights, for the unconditional support and cooperation provided to the Cotahuma Comprehensive Police Station in the strengthening and dissemination of the culture of Citizen Security, which benefit the society of the Cotahuma macro District, for having formed the Teaching Staff Awarded with the Degree of "Honor to Educational Merit", member of the Cotahuma Macro District Social Network, combating child abuse, adolescence and family violence, member of the Local Intercultural Network for Prevention and Attention to Violence, Max Paredes Macrodistrict, Distinguished Visitor awarded by the Autonomous Municipal Government of Copacabana, recognition for having promoted and organized the "Day of Preventive Actions of Drug Consumption", by the organization of the seminar io workshop “Psycho-pedagogical strategies to support boys and girls with learning difficulties in reading, writing and calculation”. Author of 9 books, 4 books as co-author, columnist, as well as articles and essays published in indexed magazines.

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