Learning process in children and adolescents potentialized through social networks DOI: https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v7i2.78

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Iris A. Jiménez Pitre
Jiménez Pitre Norys Laudith
Geomar Molina Bolívar


The research aimed to analyze the use of social networks and their negative effect on the learning process in children of the educational institutions of the Riohacha municipality.  It was descriptive in nature with a non-experimental, transectional and field design; a three-aspect content instrument was used for parents and two for teachers of the institution. The sample consisted of 50 teachers and 100 parents from 10 institutions of the municipality. The results indicate that the social networks most used by children and adolescents are WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram and Snapchat, as well as the effects on learning behaviors that were evidenced: mood modification, salience, abstinence and lack of attention. It is recommended as parents to have mastery of content and forms of social networks and as an institution to establish schedules for the use of social networks and incorporate extra-academic activities to consolidate comprehensive training, with the effect of co-responsibility.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Pitre, I. A., Norys Laudith , J. P. ., & Molina Bolívar , G. . (2019). Learning process in children and adolescents potentialized through social networks . Docentes 2.0 Journal, 7(2), 168–181. https://doi.org/10.37843/rted.v7i2.78
Author Biographies

Iris A. Jiménez Pitre, Universidad de La Guajira - Colombia

Ingeniero de Sistemas, PhD en Gestión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, PhD, en Ciencias Humanas, Doctora en Gestión de Proyectos de Ciencia y Tecnología, Magister en Informática Educativa, docente de planta de la Universidad de La Guajira, adscrita a la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas – Ingeniera, miembro activo del grupo de investigación BIEMARC categorizado en A, Investigador Senior según resultados de la convocatoria  SNCTeI; presidente del Congreso Internacional de Educación, tecnología y Ciencia CIETyC de la Universidad de La Guajira y Universidad San Juan de Argentina, Par Evaluador nacional e internacional del MEN a nivel de Doctorado, Conferencista internacional, Directora de tesis de posgrado. . Publicaciones en revistas indexadas nacionales e internacionales, publicación de libros y capítulos de libros.

Jiménez Pitre Norys Laudith , Universidad de La Guajira - Colombia

Degree in Modern Languages, MSc in Educational Informatics, Doctor in Innovation Management, Professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of La Guajira, Director of the EDUCARE research group, La Guajira, Colombia.

Geomar Molina Bolívar , Universidad de La Guajira - Colombia

Teaching plant researcher at the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences of the University of La Guajira, Coordinator of the accreditation process at the Faculty of Basic Sciences of Uniguajira, director of the BIEMARC research group categorized in A by Colciencias, Senior Researcher, Bachelor and Biology and Chemistry, specialist in Environmental Sciences, Master in Biological Sciences, Doctor in Natural Sciences, national evaluator, applying verification at the undergraduate level, Author of several books and book chapters, publications in indexed journals with high impact factor.

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