Incidence of George Polya's Problem Solving Approach in the Variational Thinking’s Development DOI:

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Galvis-Rivera, Y.
Dr. González-Bautista, E. A.


Problem-solving has been a fundamental part of teaching mathematics, allowing it to satisfy the requirements when facing an everyday event. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of George Pólya's approach to solving mathematical problems on the development of variational thinking, seen as one of the most recurrent problems in mathematics teaching. The application of a methodology under the naturalistic paradigm, Action Research method, qualitative approach, and interpretive type that allowed us to describe this difficulty in the sixth-grade students of the José Odel Lizarazo Villamaga educational institution, based on specific data taken from the plan proposed in the Pólya method. In this process, the phenomenon was approached from diagnosis and direct observation, the understanding and conception of problems through collaborative and cooperative work actions, and the implementation of mathematical resources and concepts to propose resolution options and reach a process of verification of the results. Once Pólya's proposal was executed, an evolution of variational thinking was evident in the key informants from its preoperational stage, where the initial difficulties in understanding the mathematical situations presented the weaknesses in the mathematical reading and writing process were recognized. Leading students to delve deeper into the inquiry, explore hypotheses, and propose solutions to the identified unknowns.


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How to Cite
Galvis-Rivera, Y., & González-Bautista, E. A. (2024). Incidence of George Polya’s Problem Solving Approach in the Variational Thinking’s Development. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 17(1), 149–160.
Author Biographies

Galvis-Rivera, Y., Universidad de Pamplona

Yolima Galvis Rivera, born on January 5, 1982 in San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. He began his higher education studies in the year 2000 at the University of Pamplona, in the Bachelor's program in Educational Mathematics and Informatics, his first steps as a teacher were carried out in the department of Arauca, having experience with urban, rural and ethno-education. in which it allowed him to work with children and young people during basic secondary and vocational media. In 2013, she was part of the Todos a Aprender Program of the Ministry of National Education and received the title of Specialist in Educational Information Technology and Telematics and in 2015 she was summoned to be part of the pilot group of the Todos a Aprender Program as Pioneers with the model Singapore mathematician. For 2017, she returns as a classroom teacher in mathematics seeking to implement new strategies in her classroom practice. By 2021 she begins her training as a Master in Education with the University of Pamplona.

Dr. González-Bautista, E. A., Universidad de Pamplona

Edgard Aurelinano Gonzalez Bautista, Superior Normalist (2002) Bachelor of Childhood Pedagogy (2006) Master of Music (2010) Specialist in Artistic Education Methodology (2010) and Master of Education (2015) from the University of Pamplona and Doctor of Education from the University Pedagogical the Liberator (2021).

Areas of performance, knowledge in terms of pedagogy, didactics, curriculum in the arts, investigative feeling towards the implementation of ICT in the teaching-learning processes of different artistic expressions.

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