Technological application for water quality assessmen DOI:

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Rodrigo Gámez Pitre
Iris A. Jiménez Pitre
Geomar Molina Bolívar


To determine the index of quality of estuarine and marine waters for the preservation is Flora and fauna (ICAMPPFF) in delta of the Rancher river is performed valuation of the chemical nature, physical and biological and relates to its quality in natural state, the effects related to the anthropic activities as provided for in the Colombian legislation. Using computer tools is frequent the interpretation of data for monitoring an aquatic ecosystem and determine the quality of the water. The indexes reduce a large number of parameters monitored to a simple expression, which is represented by a number, a range, a verbal description, a symbol or even a colour. The Software ECAME v.01 calculates the quality index of estuarine and marine waters and processes information getting the results of the monitoring activities in the field. In addition, generates reports and histories. The ICAME v 1.0 is designed to process the information obtained in the research project "Evaluation of molluscs and crustaceans associated with roots submerged Rhizophora mangle Linnaeus, 1753 (Rizophoracea), physicochemical variables as indicators of the quality of the water and the impacts caused by anthropic activities in the estuary of the Rancher river, La Guajira (Colombia). In addition to the analysis of data obtained in research developed in the research line Biodiversity of estuarine ecosystems in the Guajira, Colombia.


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How to Cite
Gámez Pitre , R., Jiménez Pitre, I. A. ., & Molina Bolívar , G. (2019). Technological application for water quality assessmen. Docentes 2.0 Journal, 7(2), 160–167.
Author Biographies

Rodrigo Gámez Pitre , Universidad de La Guajira - Colombia

Professional in Finance and International Relations, Master in Management Sciences Drte in Management Sciences Research Professor, School of Languages, Research Analyst University of La Guajira Colombia. Active member of the BIEMARC Research Group, author of publications in high-impact indexed journals.

Iris A. Jiménez Pitre, Universidad de La Guajira - Colombia

Systems Engineer, PhD in Science and Technology Management, PhD, in Human Sciences, PhD in Science and Technology Project Management, Master in Educational Informatics, teacher at the University of La Guajira, attached to the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences - Engineer, active member of the BIEMARC research group categorized in A, Senior Researcher according to results of the SNCTeI call; President of the International Congress of Education, Technology and Science CIETyC of the University of La Guajira and Universidad San Juan de Argentina, Par National and international evaluator of the MEN at the Doctorate level, International speaker, Director of postgraduate thesis. . Publications in national and international indexed journals, publication of books and book chapters.

Geomar Molina Bolívar , Universidad de La Guajira - Colombia

Teaching plant researcher at the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences of the University of La Guajira, Coordinator of the accreditation process at the Faculty of Basic Sciences of Uniguajira, director of the BIEMARC research group categorized in A by Colciencias, Senior Researcher, Bachelor and Biology and Chemistry, specialist in Environmental Sciences, Master in Biological Sciences, Doctor in Natural Sciences, national evaluator, applying verification at the undergraduate level, Author of several books and book chapters, publications in indexed journals with high impact factor.

Citaciones del Artículo


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